GWT 2.7.0
Interface PluralRule

public interface PluralRule

The interface that plural rules must implement. Implementations of this interface will be used both at compile time (pluralForms) and at run time (select), so implementations must be both translatable and not reference JSNI methods.

Nested Class Summary
static class PluralRule.PluralForm
          Information about the plural forms supported by this rule which will be used during code generation and by tools to provide information to translators.
Method Summary
 PluralRule.PluralForm[] pluralForms()
          Returns the list of values which are valid for this rule.
 int select(int n)
          Returns the plural form appropriate for this count.

Method Detail


PluralRule.PluralForm[] pluralForms()
Returns the list of values which are valid for this rule. The default or "other" plural form must be first in the list with an index of 0 -- this form will be used if no other form applies and is also mapped to the default text for a given message. This method will be executed at compile time and may not contain any references, even indirectly, to JSNI methods.


int select(int n)
Returns the plural form appropriate for this count. This method will be executed at runtime, so must be translatable.

n - count of items to choose plural form for
the plural form to use (must be a valid index into the array returned by pluralForms).

GWT 2.7.0