GWT 2.7.0


A framework for editing bean-like objects.


Interface Summary
CompositeEditor<T,C,E extends Editor<? super C>> An interface that indicates that a given Editor is composed of an unknown number of sub-Editors all of the same type.
CompositeEditor.EditorChain<C,E extends Editor<? super C>> Allows instances of the component type to be attached to the Editor framework.
Editor<T> Describes an editor whose behavior is not altered by the value being displayed.
EditorContext<T> Describes an Editor within an Editor hierarchy.
EditorDelegate<T> Binds an individual Editor to the backing service.
EditorDriver<T> Defines common capabilities of editor drivers.
EditorError Allows invalid Editor state to be propagated through an Editor hierarchy.
HasEditorDelegate<T> Indicates that an Editor requires an EditorDelegate.
HasEditorErrors<T> Editors that wish to be notified about ConstraintViolations in the value being edited should implement this interface.
IsEditor<E extends Editor<?>> Extended by view objects that wish to participate in an Editor hierarchy, but that do not implement the Editor contract directly.
LeafValueEditor<T> Used to edit non-object or immutable values.
SimpleBeanEditorDriver<T,E extends Editor<? super T>> Automates editing of simple bean-like objects.
ValueAwareEditor<T> Editors whose behavior changes based on the value being edited will implement this interface.

Class Summary
EditorVisitor A visitor for examining an Editor hierarchy.

Annotation Types Summary
Editor.Ignore Tells the Editor framework to ignore an Editor accessor.
Editor.Path Maps a composite Editor's component Editors into the data-model.

Package Description

A framework for editing bean-like objects.

GWT 2.1

GWT 2.7.0