GWT 2.7.0
Class DomTableSectionBuilder

  extended by<R>
      extended by<TableSectionBuilder,TableSectionElement>
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
ElementBuilderBase<TableSectionBuilder>, TableSectionBuilder

public class DomTableSectionBuilder
extends DomElementBuilderBase<TableSectionBuilder,TableSectionElement>
implements TableSectionBuilder

DOM-based implementation of TableSectionBuilder.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
DomTableSectionBuilder(DomBuilderImpl delegate)
Method Summary
 TableSectionBuilder align(java.lang.String align)
          Horizontal alignment of data in cells.
 TableSectionBuilder ch(java.lang.String ch)
          Alignment character for cells in a column.
 TableSectionBuilder chOff(java.lang.String chOff)
          Offset of alignment character.
 TableSectionBuilder html(SafeHtml html)
          Append html within the node.
 TableSectionBuilder text(java.lang.String text)
          Append text within the node.
 TableSectionBuilder vAlign(java.lang.String vAlign)
          Vertical alignment of data in cells.
Methods inherited from class
assertCanAddAttribute, attribute, attribute, className, dir, draggable, getDelegate, id, lang, startAnchor, startArea, startAudio, startBase, startBlockQuote, startBody, startBR, startButtonInput, startCanvas, startCheckboxInput, startCol, startColGroup, startDiv, startDList, startFieldSet, startFileInput, startForm, startFrame, startFrameSet, startH1, startH2, startH3, startH4, startH5, startH6, startHead, startHiddenInput, startHR, startIFrame, startImage, startImageInput, startLabel, startLegend, startLI, startLink, startMap, startMeta, startOList, startOptGroup, startOption, startParagraph, startParam, startPasswordInput, startPre, startPushButton, startQuote, startRadioInput, startResetButton, startResetInput, startScript, startSelect, startSource, startSpan, startStyle, startSubmitButton, startSubmitInput, startTable, startTableCaption, startTBody, startTD, startTextArea, startTextInput, startTFoot, startTH, startTHead, startTR, startUList, startVideo, tabIndex, title, trustedStart
Methods inherited from class
end, end, endAnchor, endArea, endAudio, endBase, endBlockQuote, endBody, endBR, endButton, endCanvas, endCol, endColGroup, endDiv, endDList, endFieldSet, endForm, endFrame, endFrameSet, endH1, endH2, endH3, endH4, endH5, endH6, endHead, endHR, endIFrame, endImage, endInput, endLabel, endLegend, endLI, endLink, endMap, endMeta, endOList, endOptGroup, endOption, endParagraph, endParam, endPre, endQuote, endScript, endSelect, endSource, endSpan, endStyle, endTable, endTableCaption, endTBody, endTD, endTextArea, endTFoot, endTH, endTHead, endTR, endUList, endVideo, finish, getDepth, getReturnBuilder, isChildElementSupported, isEndTagForbidden, style
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
attribute, attribute, className, dir, draggable, end, end, endAnchor, endArea, endAudio, endBase, endBlockQuote, endBody, endBR, endButton, endCanvas, endCol, endColGroup, endDiv, endDList, endFieldSet, endForm, endFrame, endFrameSet, endH1, endH2, endH3, endH4, endH5, endH6, endHead, endHR, endIFrame, endImage, endInput, endLabel, endLegend, endLI, endLink, endMap, endMeta, endOList, endOptGroup, endOption, endParagraph, endParam, endPre, endQuote, endScript, endSelect, endSource, endSpan, endStyle, endTable, endTableCaption, endTBody, endTD, endTextArea, endTFoot, endTH, endTHead, endTR, endUList, endVideo, finish, getDepth, id, isChildElementSupported, isEndTagForbidden, lang, startAnchor, startArea, startAudio, startBase, startBlockQuote, startBody, startBR, startButtonInput, startCanvas, startCheckboxInput, startCol, startColGroup, startDiv, startDList, startFieldSet, startFileInput, startForm, startFrame, startFrameSet, startH1, startH2, startH3, startH4, startH5, startH6, startHead, startHiddenInput, startHR, startIFrame, startImage, startImageInput, startLabel, startLegend, startLI, startLink, startMap, startMeta, startOList, startOptGroup, startOption, startParagraph, startParam, startPasswordInput, startPre, startPushButton, startQuote, startRadioInput, startResetButton, startResetInput, startScript, startSelect, startSource, startSpan, startStyle, startSubmitButton, startSubmitInput, startTable, startTableCaption, startTBody, startTD, startTextArea, startTextInput, startTFoot, startTH, startTHead, startTR, startUList, startVideo, style, tabIndex, title, trustedStart

Constructor Detail


DomTableSectionBuilder(DomBuilderImpl delegate)
Method Detail


public TableSectionBuilder align(java.lang.String align)
Description copied from interface: TableSectionBuilder
Horizontal alignment of data in cells. See the align attribute for HTMLTheadElement for details.

Specified by:
align in interface TableSectionBuilder


public TableSectionBuilder ch(java.lang.String ch)
Description copied from interface: TableSectionBuilder
Alignment character for cells in a column.

Specified by:
ch in interface TableSectionBuilder
See Also:
W3C HTML Specification


public TableSectionBuilder chOff(java.lang.String chOff)
Description copied from interface: TableSectionBuilder
Offset of alignment character.

Specified by:
chOff in interface TableSectionBuilder
See Also:
W3C HTML Specification


public TableSectionBuilder html(SafeHtml html)
Description copied from interface: ElementBuilderBase
Append html within the node.

Once you append HTML to the element, you can no longer set attributes.

Specified by:
html in interface ElementBuilderBase<TableSectionBuilder>
html in class AbstractElementBuilderBase<TableSectionBuilder>
html - the HTML to append
this builder


public TableSectionBuilder text(java.lang.String text)
Description copied from interface: ElementBuilderBase
Append text within the node.

Once you append text to the element, you can no longer set attributes.

A string-based implementation will escape the text to prevent HTML/javascript code from executing. DOM based implementations are not required to escape the text if they directly set the innerText of an element.

Specified by:
text in interface ElementBuilderBase<TableSectionBuilder>
text in class AbstractElementBuilderBase<TableSectionBuilder>
text - the text to append
this builder


public TableSectionBuilder vAlign(java.lang.String vAlign)
Description copied from interface: TableSectionBuilder
Vertical alignment of data in cells. See the valign attribute for HTMLTheadElement for details.

Specified by:
vAlign in interface TableSectionBuilder

GWT 2.7.0