GWT 2.7.0
Interface CachedGeneratorResult

public interface CachedGeneratorResult

An interface to represent the cached results from a previous generator invocation. This is made available in the GeneratorContext to subsequent invocations of the same generator, when called under the same conditions (e.g. for the same rebind rule and requested type name).

See Also:

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getClientData(java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves cached client data by key.
 java.lang.String getResultTypeName()
          Returns the cached result rebind type name.
 long getTimeGenerated()
          Returns the time this generator result was created.
 boolean isTypeCached(java.lang.String typeName)
          Check whether a given type is present in the cached result.

Method Detail


java.lang.Object getClientData(java.lang.String key)
Retrieves cached client data by key.


java.lang.String getResultTypeName()
Returns the cached result rebind type name.


long getTimeGenerated()
Returns the time this generator result was created.


boolean isTypeCached(java.lang.String typeName)
Check whether a given type is present in the cached result.

GWT 2.7.0