GWT 2.7.0


Classes used by code generation, either on the server or from a GWT generator.


Interface Summary
CodeGenContext Context for code generators.
SourceWriter A mechanism to write source files.

Class Summary
AbortablePrintWriter Wrapper for a PrintWriter that adds the ability to abort creation and an onClose hook
CodeGenUtils Helper class for code generators.
JavaSourceWriter A mechanism to write Java source files.
JavaSourceWriterBuilder A builder for JavaSourceWriter instances.
LoggingCodeGenContext Base implementation of CodeGenContext which logs via Logger.
PlainStringGenerator Helper class to produce string expressions consisting of literals and computed values.
SafeHtmlStringGenerator Helper class to produce string expressions consisting of literals and computed values.
SourceWriterBase Base implementation of SourceWriter that implements all the indenting and keeping track of comments.
StringGenerator Helper class to produce string expressions consisting of literals and computed values.
StringSourceWriter A SourceWriter that accumulates source and returns it in the StringSourceWriter.toString() method.

Enum Summary
StringGenerator.Type Type of expression being processed.

Exception Summary
CodeGenContext.AbortCodeGenException An exception which can be thrown by a code generator to abort - callers of code generators should catch this exception.

Package Description

Classes used by code generation, either on the server or from a GWT generator.

GWT 2.7.0