GWT 2.7.0
Interface RangeRole

All Superinterfaces:
Role, WidgetRole
All Known Subinterfaces:
ProgressbarRole, ScrollbarRole, SliderRole, SpinbuttonRole
All Known Implementing Classes:
ProgressbarRoleImpl, ScrollbarRoleImpl, SliderRoleImpl, SpinbuttonRoleImpl

public interface RangeRole
extends WidgetRole

A type that represents the range role in the ARIA specification.

See Also:
Role, Roles

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAriaValuemaxProperty(Element element)
          Returns the value of the aria-valuemax attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
 java.lang.String getAriaValueminProperty(Element element)
          Returns the value of the aria-valuemin attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
 java.lang.String getAriaValuenowProperty(Element element)
          Returns the value of the aria-valuenow attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
 java.lang.String getAriaValuetextProperty(Element element)
          Returns the value of the aria-valuetext attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
 void removeAriaValuemaxProperty(Element element)
          Removes the aria-valuemax attribute from the element.
 void removeAriaValueminProperty(Element element)
          Removes the aria-valuemin attribute from the element.
 void removeAriaValuenowProperty(Element element)
          Removes the aria-valuenow attribute from the element.
 void removeAriaValuetextProperty(Element element)
          Removes the aria-valuetext attribute from the element.
 void setAriaValuemaxProperty(Element element, java.lang.Number value)
          Sets the aria-valuemax attribute for the element to the given value.
 void setAriaValueminProperty(Element element, java.lang.Number value)
          Sets the aria-valuemin attribute for the element to the given value.
 void setAriaValuenowProperty(Element element, java.lang.Number value)
          Sets the aria-valuenow attribute for the element to the given value.
 void setAriaValuetextProperty(Element element, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the aria-valuetext attribute for the element to the given value.
Methods inherited from interface
getAriaAtomicProperty, getAriaBusyState, getAriaControlsProperty, getAriaDescribedbyProperty, getAriaDisabledState, getAriaDropeffectProperty, getAriaFlowtoProperty, getAriaGrabbedState, getAriaHaspopupProperty, getAriaHiddenState, getAriaInvalidState, getAriaLabelledbyProperty, getAriaLabelProperty, getAriaLiveProperty, getAriaOwnsProperty, getAriaRelevantProperty, getName, getTabindexExtraAttribute, remove, removeAriaAtomicProperty, removeAriaBusyState, removeAriaControlsProperty, removeAriaDescribedbyProperty, removeAriaDisabledState, removeAriaDropeffectProperty, removeAriaFlowtoProperty, removeAriaGrabbedState, removeAriaHaspopupProperty, removeAriaHiddenState, removeAriaInvalidState, removeAriaLabelledbyProperty, removeAriaLabelProperty, removeAriaLiveProperty, removeAriaOwnsProperty, removeAriaRelevantProperty, removeTabindexExtraAttribute, set, setAriaAtomicProperty, setAriaBusyState, setAriaControlsProperty, setAriaDescribedbyProperty, setAriaDisabledState, setAriaDropeffectProperty, setAriaFlowtoProperty, setAriaGrabbedState, setAriaHaspopupProperty, setAriaHiddenState, setAriaInvalidState, setAriaLabelledbyProperty, setAriaLabelProperty, setAriaLiveProperty, setAriaOwnsProperty, setAriaRelevantProperty, setTabindexExtraAttribute

Method Detail


java.lang.String getAriaValuemaxProperty(Element element)
Returns the value of the aria-valuemax attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.


java.lang.String getAriaValueminProperty(Element element)
Returns the value of the aria-valuemin attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.


java.lang.String getAriaValuenowProperty(Element element)
Returns the value of the aria-valuenow attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.


java.lang.String getAriaValuetextProperty(Element element)
Returns the value of the aria-valuetext attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.


void removeAriaValuemaxProperty(Element element)
Removes the aria-valuemax attribute from the element.


void removeAriaValueminProperty(Element element)
Removes the aria-valuemin attribute from the element.


void removeAriaValuenowProperty(Element element)
Removes the aria-valuenow attribute from the element.


void removeAriaValuetextProperty(Element element)
Removes the aria-valuetext attribute from the element.


void setAriaValuemaxProperty(Element element,
                             java.lang.Number value)
Sets the aria-valuemax attribute for the element to the given value.


void setAriaValueminProperty(Element element,
                             java.lang.Number value)
Sets the aria-valuemin attribute for the element to the given value.


void setAriaValuenowProperty(Element element,
                             java.lang.Number value)
Sets the aria-valuenow attribute for the element to the given value.


void setAriaValuetextProperty(Element element,
                              java.lang.String value)
Sets the aria-valuetext attribute for the element to the given value.

GWT 2.7.0