GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceLayerDecorator Server-side classes for mediating between the client-side and the persistent datastore. 

Uses of ServiceLayerDecorator in

Subclasses of ServiceLayerDecorator in
 class FindServiceLayer
          Allows the use of a very short operation name for the find method.
(package private)  class LocatorServiceLayer
          Adds support to the ServiceLayer chain for using Locator and ServiceLocator helper objects.
(package private)  class ReflectiveServiceLayer
          Implements all methods that interact with domain objects.
(package private)  class ResolverServiceLayer
          Implements all of the resolution methods in ServiceLayer.
(package private)  class ServiceLayerCache
          A cache for idempotent methods in ServiceLayer.

Methods in with parameters of type ServiceLayerDecorator
static ServiceLayer ServiceLayer.create(ServiceLayerDecorator... decorators)
          Create a RequestFactory ServiceLayer that is optionally modified by the given decorators.

Constructors in with parameters of type ServiceLayerDecorator
RequestFactoryServlet(ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, ServiceLayerDecorator... serviceDecorators)
          Use this constructor in subclasses to provide a custom ExceptionHandler.

GWT 2.7.0