GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use Composite User interface components for the bean editor framework. The "cellview" widget set. Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. The date picker widget and associated types. 

Uses of Composite in

Subclasses of Composite in
 class ValueBoxEditorDecorator<T>
          A simple decorator to display leaf widgets with an error message.

Uses of Composite in

Subclasses of Composite in
 class AbstractCellTable<T>
          Abstract base class for tabular views that supports paging and columns.
 class AbstractCellTree
          An abstract representation of a tree widget that renders items using Cells.
 class AbstractHasData<T>
          An abstract Widget that implements HasData.
 class AbstractPager
          An abstract pager that exposes many methods useful for paging.
 class CellBrowser
          A "browsable" view of a tree in which only a single node per level may be open at one time.
(package private)  class CellBrowser.BrowserCellList<T>
          A custom version of cell list used by the browser.
 class CellList<T>
          A single column list of cells.
 class CellTable<T>
          A tabular view that supports paging and columns.
 class CellTree
          A view of a tree.
 class DataGrid<T>
          A tabular view with a fixed header and footer section and a scrollable data section in the middle.
 class PageSizePager
          A simple pager that controls the page size.
 class SimplePager
          A pager for controlling a HasRows that only supports simple page navigation.

Uses of Composite in

Subclasses of Composite in
 class CaptionPanel
          A panel that wraps its contents in a border with a caption that appears in the upper left corner of the border.
 class DecoratedTabBar
           A TabBar that wraps each tab in a 2x3 grid (six box), which allows users to add rounded corners.
 class DecoratedTabPanel
          A TabPanel that uses a DecoratedTabBar with rounded corners.
 class DisclosurePanel
          A widget that consists of a header and a content panel that discloses the content when a user clicks on the header.
 class NotificationMole
          Simple widget for providing notification feedback.
 class ResizeComposite
          A Composite implementation that implements RequiresResize and automatically delegates that interface's methods to its wrapped widget, which must itself implement RequiresResize.
 class StackLayoutPanel
          A panel that stacks its children vertically, displaying only one at a time, with a header for each child which the user can click to display.
 class SuggestBox
          A SuggestBox is a text box or text area which displays a pre-configured set of selections that match the user's input.
 class TabBar
          A horizontal bar of folder-style tabs, most commonly used as part of a TabPanel.
 class TabLayoutPanel
          A panel that represents a tabbed set of pages, each of which contains another widget.
 class TabPanel
          A panel that represents a tabbed set of pages, each of which contains another widget.
 class ValueListBox<T>
          Implementation of HasConstrainedValue based on a SelectElement.
 class ValuePicker<T>
          Allows the user to pick a single value from a list.

Uses of Composite in

Subclasses of Composite in
 class CalendarView
          The CalendarView is a calendar grid that represents the current view of a DatePicker.
 class DateBox
          A text box that shows a DatePicker when the user focuses on it.
 class DatePicker
          Standard GWT date picker.
(package private)  class DatePickerComponent
          Package protected class used to combine functionality for the MonthSelector and CalendarView components.
 class DefaultCalendarView
          Simple calendar view.
 class DefaultMonthSelector
          A simple MonthSelector used for the default date picker.
 class MonthSelector
          Abstract month selector widget.

GWT 2.7.0