GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use Element Fundamental user-interface classes used in client-side GWT code. Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. 

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
static Element DOM.asOld(Element elem)
          Provided as a convenient way to upcast values statically typed as Element to Element.
static Element DOM.clone(Element elem, boolean deep)
          Clones an element.
static Element DOM.createAnchor()
          Creates an HTML A element.
static Element DOM.createButton()
          Creates an HTML BUTTON element.
static Element DOM.createCaption()
          Creates an HTML CAPTION element.
static Element DOM.createCol()
          Creates an HTML COL element.
static Element DOM.createColGroup()
          Creates an HTML COLGROUP element.
static Element DOM.createDiv()
          Creates an HTML DIV element.
static Element DOM.createElement(java.lang.String tagName)
          Creates an HTML element.
static Element DOM.createFieldSet()
          Creates an HTML FIELDSET element.
static Element DOM.createForm()
          Creates an HTML FORM element.
static Element DOM.createIFrame()
          Creates an HTML IFRAME element.
static Element DOM.createImg()
          Creates an HTML IMG element.
static Element DOM.createInputCheck()
          Creates an HTML INPUT type='CHECK' element.
static Element DOM.createInputPassword()
          Creates an HTML INPUT type='PASSWORD' element.
static Element DOM.createInputRadio(java.lang.String name)
          Creates an HTML INPUT type='RADIO' element.
static Element DOM.createInputText()
          Creates an HTML INPUT type='TEXT' element.
static Element DOM.createLabel()
          Creates an HTML LABEL element.
static Element DOM.createLegend()
          Creates an HTML LEGEND element.
static Element DOM.createOption()
          Creates an HTML OPTION element.
static Element DOM.createOptions()
          Deprecated. there is no "options" element; use DOM.createOption() instead
static Element DOM.createSelect()
          Creates a single-selection HTML SELECT element.
static Element DOM.createSelect(boolean multiple)
          Creates an HTML SELECT element.
static Element DOM.createSpan()
          Creates an HTML SPAN element.
static Element DOM.createTable()
          Creates an HTML TABLE element.
static Element DOM.createTBody()
          Creates an HTML TBODY element.
static Element DOM.createTD()
          Creates an HTML TD element.
static Element DOM.createTextArea()
          Creates an HTML TEXTAREA element.
static Element DOM.createTFoot()
          Creates an HTML TFOOT element.
static Element DOM.createTH()
          Creates an HTML TH element.
static Element DOM.createTHead()
          Creates an HTML THEAD element.
static Element DOM.createTR()
          Creates an HTML TR element.
static Element DOM.eventGetCurrentTarget(Event evt)
          Gets the current target element of the given event.
static Element DOM.eventGetFromElement(Event evt)
          Gets the element from which the mouse pointer was moved (valid for Event.ONMOUSEOVER and Event.ONMOUSEOUT).
static Element DOM.eventGetTarget(Event evt)
          Returns the element that was the actual target of the given event.
static Element DOM.eventGetToElement(Event evt)
          Gets the element to which the mouse pointer was moved (only valid for Event.ONMOUSEOUT and Event.ONMOUSEOVER).
static Element DOM.getCaptureElement()
          Gets the element that currently has mouse capture.
static Element DOM.getChild(Element parent, int index)
          Gets an element's n-th child element.
static Element DOM.getElementById(java.lang.String id)
          Gets the element associated with the given unique id within the entire document.
static Element DOM.getFirstChild(Element elem)
          Gets the first child element of the given element.
static Element DOM.getNextSibling(Element elem)
          Gets an element's next sibling element.
static Element DOM.getParent(Element elem)
          Gets an element's parent element.

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
protected  Element HTMLTable.createCell()
          Creates a new cell.
protected  Element Grid.createCell()
          Creates a new, empty cell.
protected  Element HTMLTable.RowFormatter.ensureElement(int row)
          Ensure the TR element representing the specified row exists for subclasses that allow dynamic addition of elements.
protected  Element HTMLTable.CellFormatter.ensureElement(int row, int column)
          Gets the element associated with a cell.
protected  Element CellPanel.getBody()
static Element RootPanel.getBodyElement()
          Convenience method for getting the document's body element.
protected  Element HTMLTable.getBodyElement()
          Gets the table's TBODY element.
protected  Element DecoratorPanel.getCellElement(int row, int cell)
          Get a specific Element from the panel.
protected  Element DecoratedPopupPanel.getCellElement(int row, int cell)
          Get a specific Element from the panel.
protected  Element SimplePanel.getContainerElement()
          Override this method to specify that an element other than the root element be the container for the panel's child widget.
protected  Element ScrollPanel.getContainerElement()
protected  Element PopupPanel.getContainerElement()
protected  Element DecoratorPanel.getContainerElement()
 Element UIObject.getElement()
          Gets a handle to the object's underlying DOM element.
 Element HTMLTable.Cell.getElement()
          Gets the cell's element.
 Element HTMLTable.ColumnFormatter.getElement(int column)
          Get the col element for the column.
 Element HTMLTable.RowFormatter.getElement(int row)
          Gets the TR element representing the specified row.
 Element HTMLTable.CellFormatter.getElement(int row, int column)
          Gets the TD element representing the specified cell.
 Element HTMLPanel.getElementById(java.lang.String id)
          Finds an element within this panel by its id.
protected  Element HTMLTable.getEventTargetCell(Event event)
          Determines the TD associated with the specified event.
protected  Element HTMLTable.RowFormatter.getRow(Element tbody, int row)
protected  Element HTMLTable.RowFormatter.getRow(Element tbody, int row)
          Deprecated. Call and override HTMLTable.RowFormatter.getRow(Element, int) instead.
protected  Element ScrollPanel.getScrollableElement()
          Get the scrollable element.
protected  Element UIObject.getStyleElement()
          Template method that returns the element to which style names will be applied.
protected  Element PopupPanel.getStyleElement()
protected  Element CellPanel.getTable()

Methods in with parameters of type Element
protected  void ComplexPanel.add(Widget child, Element container)
          Deprecated. Call and override ComplexPanel.add(Widget, Element) instead.
 void RenderablePanel.addAndReplaceElement(IsWidget widget, Element toReplace)
          Deprecated. use RenderablePanel.addAndReplaceElement(IsWidget, Element)
 void HTMLPanel.addAndReplaceElement(IsWidget widget, Element toReplace)
          Deprecated. use HTMLPanel.addAndReplaceElement(IsWidget, Element)
 void RenderablePanel.addAndReplaceElement(Widget widget, Element toReplace)
          Deprecated. use RenderablePanel.addAndReplaceElement(Widget, Element)
 void HTMLPanel.addAndReplaceElement(Widget widget, Element toReplace)
          Deprecated. use HTMLPanel.addAndReplaceElement(Widget, Element)
protected  int HTMLTable.getDOMCellCount(Element tableBody, int row)
          Deprecated. Call and override HTMLTable.getDOMCellCount(Element, int) instead.
protected  int HTMLTable.getDOMRowCount(Element tbody)
          Deprecated. Call and override HTMLTable.getDOMRowCount(Element) instead.
protected  Element HTMLTable.RowFormatter.getRow(Element tbody, int row)
          Deprecated. Call and override HTMLTable.RowFormatter.getRow(Element, int) instead.
protected  void ComplexPanel.insert(Widget child, Element container, int beforeIndex, boolean domInsert)
          Deprecated. Call and override ComplexPanel.insert(Widget, Element, int, boolean) instead.
protected  boolean HTMLTable.internalClearCell(Element td, boolean clearInnerHTML)
          Deprecated. Call and override HTMLTable.internalClearCell(Element, boolean) instead.
protected  void CheckBox.replaceInputElement(Element elem)
          Deprecated. Call and use CheckBox.replaceInputElement(Element) instead.
protected  void CellPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(Element td, HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant align)
          Deprecated. Call and override #setCellHorizontalAlignment(Element, HorizontalAlignmentConstant) instead.
protected  void CellPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(Element td, HasVerticalAlignment.VerticalAlignmentConstant align)
          Deprecated. Call and override #setCellVerticalAlignment(Element, VerticalAlignmentConstant) instead.
protected  void UIObject.setElement(Element elem)
          Deprecated. Use and override UIObject.setElement(Element) instead.

GWT 2.7.0