GWT 2.7.0
Interface CellTableBuilder<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the row data type
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCellTableBuilder, DefaultCellTableBuilder

public interface CellTableBuilder<T>

Builder used to construct a CellTable.

The default implementation used by cell widths is DefaultCellTableBuilder.

Method Summary
 void buildRow(T rowValue, int absRowIndex)
          Build zero or more table rows for the specified row value.
 TableSectionBuilder finish()
          Finish the building of rows and return the table section builder.
 HasCell<T,?> getColumn(Cell.Context context, T rowValue, Element elem)
          Return the column containing an element.
 java.util.Collection<HasCell<T,?>> getColumns()
          Return all the columns that this table builder has rendered.
 int getRowValueIndex(TableRowElement row)
          Get the index of the primary row from the associated TableRowElement (an TR element).
 int getSubrowValueIndex(TableRowElement row)
          Get the index of the subrow value from the associated TableRowElement (an TR element).
 boolean isColumn(Element elem)
          Return if an element contains a cell.
 void start(boolean isRebuildingAllRows)
          Start building rows.

Method Detail


void buildRow(T rowValue,
              int absRowIndex)
Build zero or more table rows for the specified row value.

rowValue - the value for the row to render
absRowIndex - the absolute row index


TableSectionBuilder finish()
Finish the building of rows and return the table section builder. Currently only HtmlTableSectionBuilder and its subclasses are supported.


HasCell<T,?> getColumn(Cell.Context context,
                       T rowValue,
                       Element elem)
Return the column containing an element.

context - the context for the element
rowValue - the value for the row corresponding to the element
elem - the elm that the column contains
the immediate column containing the element


java.util.Collection<HasCell<T,?>> getColumns()
Return all the columns that this table builder has rendered.


int getRowValueIndex(TableRowElement row)
Get the index of the primary row from the associated TableRowElement (an TR element).

row - the row element
the row value index


int getSubrowValueIndex(TableRowElement row)
Get the index of the subrow value from the associated TableRowElement (an TR element). The sub row value starts at 0 for the first row that represents a row value.

row - the row element
the subrow value index, or 0 if not found


boolean isColumn(Element elem)
Return if an element contains a cell. This may be faster to execute than #getColumn(Context, Object, Element).

elem - the element of interest


void start(boolean isRebuildingAllRows)
Start building rows. User may want to reset the internal state of the table builder (e.g., reset the internal table section builder). A flag isRebuildingAllRows is used to mark whether the builder is going to rebuild all rows. User may want to have different reset logic given this flag.

isRebuildingAllRows - is this start intended for rebuilding all rows

GWT 2.7.0