GWT 2.7.0


Classes that parse XML elements, using the context to generate widget initialization code.


Interface Summary
ElementParser Element parsers are classes that parse xml elements, using the context to generate widget initialization code.
HtmlMessageInterpreter.PlaceholderInterpreterProvider Provides instances of PlaceholderInterpreter, to allow customized handling of the innards of a msg element.

Class Summary
AbsolutePanelParser Parses AbsolutePanel widgets.
AttributeMessageInterpreter Examines each element for child <ui:attr/> elements, and replaces the corresponding attributes of the examinee with references to the translatable messages created.
AttributeMessageParser This parser is not tied to a particular class of element, but rather is run as the first parser in any parser stack.
BeanParser Utility methods for discovering bean-like properties and generating code to initialize them.
CellPanelParser Parses CellPanel widgets.
ComputedAttributeInterpreter Assigns computed values to element attributes, e.g.
CustomButtonParser Parses CustomButton widgets.
DateLabelParser Parses DateLabel widgets.
DialogBoxParser Parses DialogBox widgets.
DisclosurePanelParser Parses DisclosurePanel widgets.
DockLayoutPanelParser Parses DockLayoutPanel widgets.
DockPanelParser Parses DockPanel widgets.
DomElementParser Parses a dom element and all of its children.
FieldInterpreter Generates fields to hold named dom elements (e.g.
FlowPanelParser Parses FlowPanel widgets.
GridParser A parser for Grid rows and cells.
HasAlignmentParser Parses widgets that inherit from HasAlignment.
HasHTMLParser Parses widgets that implement HasHTML.
HasTextParser Parses widgets that implement HasText.
HasTreeItemsParser Parses Tree widgets.
HasWidgetsParser Parses any widgets that implement HasWidgets.
HtmlInterpreter This is the most generally useful interpreter, and the most likely to be used by a custom parser when calling XMLElement.consumeInnerHtml(
HtmlMessageInterpreter Processes elements inside HTML values, which themselves are allowed to contain HTML.
HTMLPanelParser Parses HTMLPanel widgets.
HtmlPlaceholderInterpreter Interprets the interior of an html message.
ImageParser Custom parsing of Image widgets.
InterpreterPipe<T> Pairs XMLElement.Interpreter instances.
IsEmptyParser The last parser, asserts that everything has been consumed and so the template has nothing unexpected.
IsRenderableInterpreter Used by RenderablePanelParser to interpret renderable elements.
LayoutPanelParser Parses LayoutPanel widgets.
LazyPanelParser Parses LazyPanel widgets.
ListBoxParser A parser for ListBox items.
MenuBarParser Parses MenuBar widgets.
MenuItemParser A parser for menu items.
NumberLabelParser Parses DateLabel widgets.
RenderablePanelParser Parses RenderablePanel widgets.
SimpleInterpeter<T> A simple XMLElement.Interpreter that returns a given value to every request.
StackLayoutPanelParser Parses StackLayoutPanel widgets.
StackPanelParser Parses StackPanel widgets.
TabLayoutPanelParser Parses TabLayoutPanel widgets.
TabPanelParser Parses TabPanel widgets.
TextInterpreter The interpreter of choice for calls to XMLElement.consumeInnerText(
TextPlaceholderInterpreter Interprets the interior of text message.
UiChildParser Parses any children of widgets that use the UIChild annotation.
UIObjectParser Parser of all UIObject types.
UiSafeHtmlInterpreter Interprets generic message tags like: <ui:safehtml from="{myMsg.message}" />.
UiTextInterpreter Interprets generic message tags like: <ui:text from="{myMsg.message}" />.
WidgetInterpreter Used by HTMLPanelParser to interpret elements that call for widget instances.
WidgetPlaceholderInterpreter Used by HTMLPanelParser.

Package Description

Classes that parse XML elements, using the context to generate widget initialization code.

GWT 2.7.0