GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SafeHtml Standard Cell subclasses used by the cellview widgets. Classes used to build DOM elements. Classes used to build DOM elements. Classes for low-level DOM programming. This package contains i18n classes and interfaces shared between client and server. Interfaces for creating safe HTML content using templates. Shared classes for creating safe HTML content. Classes for parsing and rendering text and safe HTML. The "cellview" widget set. Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. 

Uses of SafeHtml in

Methods in that return SafeHtml
 SafeHtml SelectionCell.Template.deselected(java.lang.String option)
protected  SafeHtml IconCellDecorator.getIconHtml(C value)
          Get the safe HTML string that represents the icon.
(package private)  SafeHtml IconCellDecorator.getImageHtml(ImageResource res, HasVerticalAlignment.VerticalAlignmentConstant valign, boolean isPlaceholder)
          Get the HTML representation of an image.
 SafeHtml ButtonCellBase.DefaultAppearance.Template.iconContentLayout(java.lang.String classes, SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml icon, SafeHtml cellContents)
          Positions the icon next to the text.
 SafeHtml ButtonCellBase.DefaultAppearance.Template.iconWrapper(SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml image)
          The wrapper around the icon that aligns it vertically with the text.
 SafeHtml ImageLoadingCell.Template.image(SafeHtml imageHtml)
 SafeHtml IconCellDecorator.Template.imageWrapperBottom(SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml image)
          The wrapper around the image vertically aligned to the bottom.
 SafeHtml IconCellDecorator.Template.imageWrapperMiddle(SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml image)
          The wrapper around the image vertically aligned to the middle.
 SafeHtml IconCellDecorator.Template.imageWrapperTop(SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml image)
          The wrapper around the image vertically aligned to the top.
 SafeHtml SafeImageCell.Template.img(SafeUri url)
 SafeHtml ImageLoadingCell.Template.img(java.lang.String url)
 SafeHtml ImageCell.Template.img(java.lang.String url)
 SafeHtml TextInputCell.Template.input(java.lang.String value)
 SafeHtml EditTextCell.Template.input(java.lang.String value)
 SafeHtml ImageLoadingCell.Template.loading(SafeHtml loadingHtml)
 SafeHtml IconCellDecorator.Template.outerDiv(SafeStyles padding, SafeHtml icon, SafeHtml cellContents)
 SafeHtml SelectionCell.Template.selected(java.lang.String option)

Methods in with parameters of type SafeHtml
 SafeHtml ButtonCellBase.DefaultAppearance.Template.iconContentLayout(java.lang.String classes, SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml icon, SafeHtml cellContents)
          Positions the icon next to the text.
 SafeHtml ButtonCellBase.DefaultAppearance.Template.iconWrapper(SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml image)
          The wrapper around the icon that aligns it vertically with the text.
 SafeHtml ImageLoadingCell.Template.image(SafeHtml imageHtml)
 SafeHtml IconCellDecorator.Template.imageWrapperBottom(SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml image)
          The wrapper around the image vertically aligned to the bottom.
 SafeHtml IconCellDecorator.Template.imageWrapperMiddle(SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml image)
          The wrapper around the image vertically aligned to the middle.
 SafeHtml IconCellDecorator.Template.imageWrapperTop(SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml image)
          The wrapper around the image vertically aligned to the top.
 SafeHtml ImageLoadingCell.Template.loading(SafeHtml loadingHtml)
 SafeHtml IconCellDecorator.Template.outerDiv(SafeStyles padding, SafeHtml icon, SafeHtml cellContents)
 void TextCell.render(Cell.Context context, SafeHtml value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb)
 void SafeHtmlCell.render(Cell.Context context, SafeHtml value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb)
protected  void ClickableTextCell.render(Cell.Context context, SafeHtml value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb)
 void ButtonCell.render(Cell.Context context, SafeHtml data, SafeHtmlBuilder sb)
protected abstract  void AbstractSafeHtmlCell.render(Cell.Context context, SafeHtml data, SafeHtmlBuilder sb)
          Render the cell contents after they have been converted to SafeHtml form.

Constructors in with parameters of type SafeHtml
ActionCell(SafeHtml message, ActionCell.Delegate<C> delegate)
          Construct a new ActionCell.

Uses of SafeHtml in

Methods in with parameters of type SafeHtml
protected  void DomBuilderImpl.doHtmlImpl(SafeHtml html)
 TextAreaBuilder DomTextAreaBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 TableSectionBuilder DomTableSectionBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 TableRowBuilder DomTableRowBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 TableBuilder DomTableBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 StyleBuilder DomStyleBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 ScriptBuilder DomScriptBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 HtmlIFrameBuilder DomIFrameBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 HeadBuilder DomHeadBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 FrameSetBuilder DomFrameSetBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)

Uses of SafeHtml in

Methods in that return SafeHtml
 SafeHtml HtmlElementBuilderBase.asSafeHtml()
          Return the HTML as a SafeHtml string.
 SafeHtml HtmlBuilderImpl.asSafeHtml()
          Return the HTML as a SafeHtml string.

Methods in with parameters of type SafeHtml
protected  void HtmlBuilderImpl.doHtmlImpl(SafeHtml html)
protected abstract  void ElementBuilderImpl.doHtmlImpl(SafeHtml html)
          Set the specified html as the inner HTML of the current element.
 StyleBuilder StyleBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
 IFrameBuilder IFrameBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
 TextAreaBuilder HtmlTextAreaBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 TableSectionBuilder HtmlTableSectionBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 TableRowBuilder HtmlTableRowBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 TableBuilder HtmlTableBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 StyleBuilder HtmlStyleBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 ScriptBuilder HtmlScriptBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 TableSectionBuilder HtmlOnlyTableSectionBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
          Append html to the builder and validate the correctness of the html.
 HtmlIFrameBuilder HtmlIFrameBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 HeadBuilder HtmlHeadBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 FrameSetBuilder HtmlFrameSetBuilder.html(SafeHtml html)
 void ElementBuilderImpl.html(SafeHtml html)
 T ElementBuilderBase.html(SafeHtml html)
          Append html within the node.
 R AbstractElementBuilderBase.html(SafeHtml html)

Uses of SafeHtml in

Methods in with parameters of type SafeHtml
 void Element.setInnerSafeHtml(SafeHtml html)
          All of the markup and content within a given element.

Uses of SafeHtml in

Methods in that return SafeHtml
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.dirAttr(SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.dirAttr(java.lang.String str)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.endEdge()
          Returns "left" for RTL context direction.
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.knownDirAttr(HasDirection.Direction dir)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.mark()
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.markAfter(SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.markAfter(java.lang.String str)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrap(SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrap(SafeHtml html, boolean dirReset)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrap(java.lang.String str)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrap(java.lang.String str, boolean dirReset)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, SafeHtml html, boolean dirReset)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, java.lang.String str)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, java.lang.String str, boolean dirReset)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.startEdge()
          Returns "right" for RTL context direction.
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrap(SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrap(SafeHtml html, boolean dirReset)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrap(java.lang.String str)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrap(java.lang.String str, boolean dirReset)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, SafeHtml html, boolean dirReset)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, java.lang.String str)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, java.lang.String str, boolean dirReset)

Methods in with parameters of type SafeHtml
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.dirAttr(SafeHtml html)
 HasDirection.Direction SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.estimateDirection(SafeHtml html)
 HasDirection.Direction DirectionEstimator.estimateDirection(SafeHtml html)
          Estimates the direction of a SafeHtml.
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.markAfter(SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrap(SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrap(SafeHtml html, boolean dirReset)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.spanWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, SafeHtml html, boolean dirReset)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrap(SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrap(SafeHtml html, boolean dirReset)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBidiFormatter.unicodeWrapWithKnownDir(HasDirection.Direction dir, SafeHtml html, boolean dirReset)

Uses of SafeHtml in

Methods in with parameters of type SafeHtml
 void HasSafeHtml.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
          Sets this object's contents via known-safe HTML.

Uses of SafeHtml in

Classes in that implement SafeHtml
 class OnlyToBeUsedInGeneratedCodeStringBlessedAsSafeHtml
          A string wrapped as an object of type SafeHtml.
(package private)  class SafeHtmlString
          A string wrapped as an object of type SafeHtml.

Fields in declared as SafeHtml
static SafeHtml SafeHtmlUtils.EMPTY_SAFE_HTML
          An empty String.

Methods in that return SafeHtml
static SafeHtml SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(java.lang.String s)
          Returns a SafeHtml constructed from a safe string, i.e., without escaping the string.
static SafeHtml SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(java.lang.String s)
          Returns a SafeHtml containing the escaped string.
static SafeHtml SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString(java.lang.String s)
          Returns a SafeHtml constructed from a trusted string, i.e., without escaping the string.
 SafeHtml SimpleHtmlSanitizer.sanitize(java.lang.String html)
 SafeHtml HtmlSanitizer.sanitize(java.lang.String html)
          Sanitizes a string into SafeHtml.
static SafeHtml SimpleHtmlSanitizer.sanitizeHtml(java.lang.String html)
          HTML-sanitizes a string.
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlBuilder.toSafeHtml()
          Returns the safe HTML accumulated in the builder as a SafeHtml.

Methods in with parameters of type SafeHtml
 SafeHtmlBuilder SafeHtmlBuilder.append(SafeHtml html)
          Appends the contents of another SafeHtml object, without applying HTML-escaping to it.

Uses of SafeHtml in

Methods in that return SafeHtml
 SafeHtml SimpleSafeHtmlRenderer.render(java.lang.String object)
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlRenderer.render(T object)
          Renders object as safe HTML.
protected  SafeHtml AbstractSafeHtmlRenderer.toSafeHtml(java.lang.Object obj)

Uses of SafeHtml in

Methods in that return SafeHtml
 SafeHtml CellList.Template.div(int idx, java.lang.String classes, SafeHtml cellContents)
 SafeHtml CellBrowser.Template.div(int idx, java.lang.String classes, SafeStyles padding, SafeHtml imageHtml, SafeHtml cellContents)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.div(SafeHtml contents)
 SafeHtml CellBrowser.Template.divFocusable(int idx, java.lang.String classes, SafeStyles padding, int tabIndex, SafeHtml imageHtml, SafeHtml cellContents)
 SafeHtml CellBrowser.Template.divFocusableWithKey(int idx, java.lang.String classes, SafeStyles padding, int tabIndex, char accessKey, SafeHtml imageHtml, SafeHtml cellContents)
(package private)  SafeHtml CellTree.getClosedImageHtml(boolean isTop)
          Get the HTML to render the closed image.
 SafeHtml CellList.getEmptyListMessage()
          Deprecated. as of GWT 2.3, use CellList.getEmptyListWidget() instead
(package private)  SafeHtml CellTree.getLoadingImageHtml()
          Return the HTML to render the loading image.
(package private)  SafeHtml CellTree.getOpenImageHtml(boolean isTop)
          Get the HTML to render the open image.
 SafeHtml SafeHtmlHeader.getValue()
          Return the SafeHtml text value.
 SafeHtml CellBrowser.Template.imageWrapper(SafeStyles css, SafeHtml image)
 SafeHtml CellTree.Template.imageWrapper(java.lang.String classes, SafeStyles cssLayout, SafeHtml image)
 SafeHtml CellTreeNodeView.Template.innerDiv(SafeStyles cssString, java.lang.String classes, SafeHtml image, java.lang.String itemValueStyle, SafeHtml cellContents)
 SafeHtml CellTreeNodeView.Template.outerDiv(SafeStyles cssString, java.lang.String classes, SafeHtml content, java.lang.String ariaSelected)
 SafeHtml CellBasedWidgetImplTrident.processHtml(SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml CellBasedWidgetImpl.processHtml(SafeHtml html)
          Takes in an html string and processes it, adding support for events.
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.tbody(SafeHtml rowHtml)
 SafeHtml classes, SafeHtml contents)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.tdBothAlign(java.lang.String classes, java.lang.String hAlign, java.lang.String vAlign, SafeHtml contents)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.tdHorizontalAlign(java.lang.String classes, java.lang.String hAlign, SafeHtml contents)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.tdVerticalAlign(java.lang.String classes, java.lang.String vAlign, SafeHtml contents)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.tfoot(SafeHtml rowHtml)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.thead(SafeHtml rowHtml)
 SafeHtml classes, SafeHtml contents)

Methods in with parameters of type SafeHtml
 void AbstractCellTable.addColumn(Column<T,?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml)
          Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated SafeHtml header.
 void AbstractCellTable.addColumn(Column<T,?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml, SafeHtml footerHtml)
          Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated SafeHtml header and footer.
protected  Element AbstractHasData.convertToElements(SafeHtml html)
          Convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and return the parent of the DOM elements.
protected  Element AbstractCellTable.convertToElements(SafeHtml html)
(package private) static Element AbstractHasData.convertToElements(Widget widget, Element tmpElem, SafeHtml html)
          Convenience method to convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and return the parent of the DOM elements.
 SafeHtml CellList.Template.div(int idx, java.lang.String classes, SafeHtml cellContents)
 SafeHtml CellBrowser.Template.div(int idx, java.lang.String classes, SafeStyles padding, SafeHtml imageHtml, SafeHtml cellContents)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.div(SafeHtml contents)
 SafeHtml CellBrowser.Template.divFocusable(int idx, java.lang.String classes, SafeStyles padding, int tabIndex, SafeHtml imageHtml, SafeHtml cellContents)
 SafeHtml CellBrowser.Template.divFocusableWithKey(int idx, java.lang.String classes, SafeStyles padding, int tabIndex, char accessKey, SafeHtml imageHtml, SafeHtml cellContents)
 SafeHtml CellBrowser.Template.imageWrapper(SafeStyles css, SafeHtml image)
 SafeHtml CellTree.Template.imageWrapper(java.lang.String classes, SafeStyles cssLayout, SafeHtml image)
 SafeHtml CellTreeNodeView.Template.innerDiv(SafeStyles cssString, java.lang.String classes, SafeHtml image, java.lang.String itemValueStyle, SafeHtml cellContents)
 void AbstractCellTable.insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T,?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml)
          Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated SafeHtml header.
 void AbstractCellTable.insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T,?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml, SafeHtml footerHtml)
          Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated SafeHtml header and footer.
 SafeHtml CellTreeNodeView.Template.outerDiv(SafeStyles cssString, java.lang.String classes, SafeHtml content, java.lang.String ariaSelected)
 SafeHtml CellBasedWidgetImplTrident.processHtml(SafeHtml html)
 SafeHtml CellBasedWidgetImpl.processHtml(SafeHtml html)
          Takes in an html string and processes it, adding support for events.
protected  void AbstractHasData.replaceAllChildren(java.util.List<T> values, SafeHtml html)
          Replace all children with the specified html.
protected  void AbstractCellTable.replaceAllChildren(java.util.List<T> values, SafeHtml html)
(package private) static void AbstractHasData.replaceAllChildren(Widget widget, Element childContainer, SafeHtml html)
          Convenience method to replace all children of a Widget.
protected  void AbstractHasData.replaceChildren(java.util.List<T> values, int start, SafeHtml html)
          Convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and replace the existing elements starting at the specified index.
protected  void AbstractCellTable.replaceChildren(java.util.List<T> values, int start, SafeHtml html)
(package private) static void AbstractHasData.replaceChildren(Widget widget, Element childContainer, Element newChildren, int start, SafeHtml html)
          Convenience method to convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and replace the existing elements starting at the specified index.
 void CellList.setEmptyListMessage(SafeHtml html)
          Deprecated. as of GWT 2.3, use CellList.setEmptyListWidget( instead
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.tbody(SafeHtml rowHtml)
 SafeHtml classes, SafeHtml contents)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.tdBothAlign(java.lang.String classes, java.lang.String hAlign, java.lang.String vAlign, SafeHtml contents)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.tdHorizontalAlign(java.lang.String classes, java.lang.String hAlign, SafeHtml contents)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.tdVerticalAlign(java.lang.String classes, java.lang.String vAlign, SafeHtml contents)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.tfoot(SafeHtml rowHtml)
 SafeHtml AbstractCellTable.Template.thead(SafeHtml rowHtml)
 SafeHtml classes, SafeHtml contents)

Constructors in with parameters of type SafeHtml
SafeHtmlHeader(SafeHtml text)
          Construct a Header with a given SafeHtml text value.

Uses of SafeHtml in

Fields in declared as SafeHtml
protected  SafeHtml RenderablePanel.html

Methods in that return SafeHtml
 SafeHtml NamedFrame.IFrameTemplate.get(java.lang.String name)
 SafeHtml FormPanel.IFrameTemplate.get(java.lang.String name)
protected  SafeHtml RenderablePanel.getInnerHtml()
          Returns the HTML to be set as the innerHTML of the container.
 SafeHtml AbstractImagePrototype.getSafeHtml()
          Gets an HTML fragment that displays the image represented by this prototype.
 SafeHtml ImageResourceRenderer.Template.image(SafeUri imageUri, int width, int height)
 SafeHtml ImageResourceRenderer.render(ImageResource image)
 SafeHtml RenderablePanel.render(RenderableStamper stamper)
 SafeHtml IsRenderable.render(RenderableStamper stamper)
 SafeHtml Composite.render(RenderableStamper stamper)
 SafeHtml RenderableStamper.stamp(SafeHtml safeHtml)
          Stamps an HTML element in such a way that it can be later found in the DOM tree.

Methods in with parameters of type SafeHtml
 void TabLayoutPanel.add(Widget child, SafeHtml html)
          Adds a widget to the panel.
 void StackPanel.add(Widget w, SafeHtml stackHtml)
          Adds a new child with the given widget and header, optionally interpreting the header as HTML.
 void StackLayoutPanel.add(Widget widget, SafeHtml header, double headerSize)
          Adds a child widget to this stack, along with a widget representing the stack header.
 TreeItem TreeItem.addItem(SafeHtml itemHtml)
          Adds a child tree item containing the specified html.
 TreeItem Tree.addItem(SafeHtml itemHtml)
          Adds a simple tree item containing the specified html.
 TreeItem HasTreeItems.addItem(SafeHtml itemHtml)
          Adds a simple tree item containing the specified html.
 MenuItem MenuBar.addItem(SafeHtml html, MenuBar popup)
          Adds a menu item to the bar, that will open the specified menu when it is selected.
 MenuItem MenuBar.addItem(SafeHtml html, Scheduler.ScheduledCommand cmd)
          Adds a menu item to the bar containing SafeHtml, that will fire the given command when it is selected.
 void TabBar.addTab(SafeHtml html)
          Adds a new tab with the specified text.
 void StackLayoutPanel.insert(Widget child, SafeHtml html, double headerSize, int beforeIndex)
          Inserts a widget into the panel.
 void TabLayoutPanel.insert(Widget child, SafeHtml html, int beforeIndex)
          Inserts a widget into the panel.
 TreeItem TreeItem.insertItem(int beforeIndex, SafeHtml itemHtml)
          Inserts a child tree item at the specified index containing the specified html.
 TreeItem Tree.insertItem(int beforeIndex, SafeHtml itemHtml)
          Inserts a child tree item at the specified index containing the specified html.
 void TabBar.insertTab(SafeHtml html, int beforeIndex)
          Inserts a new tab at the specified index.
 void CaptionPanel.CaptionPanelImpl.setCaption(FieldSetElement fieldset, Element legend, SafeHtml caption)
 void CaptionPanel.CaptionPanelImplMozilla.setCaption(FieldSetElement fieldset, Element legend, SafeHtml caption)
 void CaptionPanel.CaptionPanelImplSafari.setCaption(FieldSetElement fieldset, Element legend, SafeHtml caption)
 void CaptionPanel.setCaptionHTML(SafeHtml html)
          Sets the caption for the panel using a SafeHtml string.
 void StackLayoutPanel.setHeaderHTML(int index, SafeHtml html)
          Sets a stack header's HTML contents.
 void HTMLTable.setHTML(int row, int column, SafeHtml html)
          Sets the HTML contents of the specified cell.
 void TreeItem.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
 void RichTextArea.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
 void MenuItem.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
 void Hyperlink.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
 void HTML.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
          Sets this object's contents via known-safe HTML.
 void DialogBox.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
          Sets the html string inside the caption by calling its DialogBox.setHTML(SafeHtml) method.
 void CustomButton.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
 void CustomButton.Face.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
          Set the face's contents as html.
 void ButtonBase.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
 void Anchor.setHTML(SafeHtml html)
 void Hyperlink.setHTML(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
 void HasDirectionalSafeHtml.setHTML(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
          Sets this object's html, also declaring its direction.
 void HTML.setHTML(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
 void CheckBox.setHTML(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
 void Anchor.setHTML(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
 void StackPanel.setStackText(int index, SafeHtml html)
          Sets the html associated with a child by its index.
 void TabLayoutPanel.setTabHTML(int index, SafeHtml html)
          Sets a tab's HTML contents.
 void TabBar.setTabHTML(int index, SafeHtml html)
          Sets a tab's contents via safe html.
 SafeHtml RenderableStamper.stamp(SafeHtml safeHtml)
          Stamps an HTML element in such a way that it can be later found in the DOM tree.

Constructors in with parameters of type SafeHtml
Anchor(SafeHtml html)
          Creates an anchor for scripting.
Anchor(SafeHtml html, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator)
          Creates an anchor for scripting.
Anchor(SafeHtml html, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator, SafeUri href)
          Creates an anchor with its html and href (target URL) specified.
Anchor(SafeHtml html, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator, java.lang.String href)
          Creates an anchor with its html and href (target URL) specified.
Anchor(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
          Creates an anchor for scripting.
Anchor(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir, SafeUri href)
          Creates an anchor with its html and href (target URL) specified.
Anchor(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir, java.lang.String href)
          Creates an anchor with its html and href (target URL) specified.
Anchor(SafeHtml html, SafeUri href)
          Creates an anchor with its html and href (target URL) specified.
Anchor(SafeHtml html, SafeUri href, java.lang.String target)
          Creates a source anchor (link to URI).
Anchor(SafeHtml html, java.lang.String href)
          Creates an anchor with its html and href (target URL) specified.
Anchor(SafeHtml html, java.lang.String href, java.lang.String target)
          Creates a source anchor (link to URI).
Button(SafeHtml html)
          Creates a button with the given HTML caption.
Button(SafeHtml html, ClickHandler handler)
          Creates a button with the given HTML caption and click listener.
CaptionPanel(SafeHtml caption)
          Constructs a CaptionPanel with specified caption text.
CheckBox(SafeHtml label)
          Creates a check box with the specified text label.
CheckBox(SafeHtml label, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator)
          Creates a check box with the specified text label.
CheckBox(SafeHtml label, HasDirection.Direction dir)
          Creates a check box with the specified text label.
HTML(SafeHtml html)
          Initializes the widget's HTML from a given SafeHtml object.
HTML(SafeHtml html, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator)
          Creates an HTML widget with the specified HTML contents and specifies a direction estimator.
HTML(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
          Creates an HTML widget with the specified contents and with the specified direction.
HTMLPanel(SafeHtml safeHtml)
          Initializes the panel's HTML from a given SafeHtml object.
Hyperlink(SafeHtml html, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator, java.lang.String targetHistoryToken)
          Creates a hyperlink with its html and target history token specified.
Hyperlink(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir, java.lang.String targetHistoryToken)
          Creates a hyperlink with its html and target history token specified.
Hyperlink(SafeHtml html, java.lang.String targetHistoryToken)
          Creates a hyperlink with its html and target history token specified.
InlineHTML(SafeHtml html)
          Initializes the widget's HTML from a given SafeHtml object.
InlineHTML(SafeHtml html, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator)
          Creates an HTML widget with the specified HTML contents and with a default direction estimator.
InlineHTML(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
          Creates an HTML widget with the specified contents and with the specified direction.
InlineHyperlink(SafeHtml html, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator, java.lang.String targetHistoryToken)
          Creates a hyperlink with its html and target history token specified.
InlineHyperlink(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir, java.lang.String targetHistoryToken)
          Creates a hyperlink with its html and target history token specified.
InlineHyperlink(SafeHtml html, java.lang.String targetHistoryToken)
          Creates a hyperlink with its html and target history token specified.
MenuItem(SafeHtml html)
          Constructs a new menu item that fires a command when it is selected.
MenuItem(SafeHtml html, MenuBar subMenu)
          Constructs a new menu item that cascades to a sub-menu when it is selected.
MenuItem(SafeHtml html, Scheduler.ScheduledCommand cmd)
          Constructs a new menu item that fires a command when it is selected.
RadioButton(java.lang.String name, SafeHtml label)
          Creates a new radio associated with a particular group, and initialized with the given HTML label.
RadioButton(java.lang.String name, SafeHtml label, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator)
RadioButton(java.lang.String name, SafeHtml label, HasDirection.Direction dir)
RenderablePanel(SafeHtml safeHtml)
          Initializes the panel's HTML from a given SafeHtml object.
ResetButton(SafeHtml html)
          Creates a button with the given HTML caption.
ResetButton(SafeHtml html, ClickHandler handler)
          Creates a button with the given HTML caption and click listener.
SubmitButton(SafeHtml html)
          Creates a button with the given HTML caption.
SubmitButton(SafeHtml html, ClickHandler handler)
          Creates a button with the given HTML caption and click listener.
TreeItem(SafeHtml html)
          Constructs a tree item with the given HTML.

GWT 2.7.0