GWT 2.7.0
Interface GeneratorContext

All Known Implementing Classes:
DelegatingGeneratorContext, NonIncrementalGeneratorContext, StubGeneratorContext

public interface GeneratorContext

Provides metadata to deferred binding generators.

Method Summary
 boolean checkRebindRuleAvailable(java.lang.String sourceTypeName)
          Checks whether a rebind rule is available for a given sourceTypeName, such as can appear in a replace-with or generate-with rule.
 void commit(TreeLogger logger, pw)
          Commits source generation begun with tryCreate(TreeLogger, String, String).
 void commitArtifact(TreeLogger logger, Artifact<?> artifact)
          Add an Artifact to the ArtifactSet that will be presented to the Linker chain at the end of the compilation cycle.
 GeneratedResource commitResource(TreeLogger logger, os)
          Commits resource generation begun with tryCreateResource(TreeLogger, String).
 CachedGeneratorResult getCachedGeneratorResult()
          Get the cached rebind result that has been provided to the context, if available.
 PropertyOracle getPropertyOracle()
          Gets the property oracle for the current generator context. getResourcesOracle()
          Returns a resource oracle containing all resources that are mapped into the module's source (or super-source) paths.
 TypeOracle getTypeOracle()
          Gets the type oracle for the current generator context.
 boolean isGeneratorResultCachingEnabled()
          Check whether generator result caching is currently enabled.
 boolean isProdMode()
          Returns true if generators are being run to produce code for a production compile. tryCreate(TreeLogger logger, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String simpleName)
          Attempts to get a PrintWriter so that the caller can generate the source code for the named type. tryCreateResource(TreeLogger logger, java.lang.String partialPath)
          Attempts to get an OutputStream so that the caller can write file contents into the named file underneath the compilation output directory.
 boolean tryReuseTypeFromCache(java.lang.String typeName)
          Mark a type to be reused from the generator result cache, if available.

Method Detail


boolean checkRebindRuleAvailable(java.lang.String sourceTypeName)
Checks whether a rebind rule is available for a given sourceTypeName, such as can appear in a replace-with or generate-with rule.

sourceTypeName - the name of a type to check for rebind rule availability.
true if a rebind rule is available


void commit(TreeLogger logger,
Commits source generation begun with tryCreate(TreeLogger, String, String).


void commitArtifact(TreeLogger logger,
                    Artifact<?> artifact)
                    throws UnableToCompleteException
Add an Artifact to the ArtifactSet that will be presented to the Linker chain at the end of the compilation cycle. Custom sub-classes of Artifact can be used to write cooperating Generator and Linker combinations. This method is semantically equivalent to calling ArtifactSet.replace(Artifact) if an equivalent Artifact had previously been committed.

logger - a logger; normally the logger passed into the currently invoked generator or a branch thereof
artifact - the Artifact to provide to the Linker chain.


GeneratedResource commitResource(TreeLogger logger,
                                 throws UnableToCompleteException
Commits resource generation begun with tryCreateResource(TreeLogger, String).

the GeneratedResource that was created as a result of committing the OutputStream.
UnableToCompleteException - if the resource cannot be written to disk, if the specified stream is unknown, or if the stream has already been committed


CachedGeneratorResult getCachedGeneratorResult()
Get the cached rebind result that has been provided to the context, if available. The provided result will be the most recent previously generated result for the currently active rebind rule and requested type name.

A CachedGeneratorResult object, if one has been provided to the context. Null is returned if there is no previous result available.


PropertyOracle getPropertyOracle()
Gets the property oracle for the current generator context. Generators can use the property oracle to query deferred binding properties.

getResourcesOracle getResourcesOracle()
Returns a resource oracle containing all resources that are mapped into the module's source (or super-source) paths. Conceptually, this resource oracle exposes resources which are "siblings" to GWT-compatible Java classes. For example, if the module includes as a source package, then a resource at com/google/gwt/core/client/ would be exposed by this resource oracle.


TypeOracle getTypeOracle()
Gets the type oracle for the current generator context. Generators can use the type oracle to ask questions about the entire translatable code base.

a TypeOracle over all the relevant translatable compilation units in the source path


boolean isGeneratorResultCachingEnabled()
Check whether generator result caching is currently enabled.


boolean isProdMode()
Returns true if generators are being run to produce code for a production compile. Returns false for dev mode. Generators can use this information to produce code optimized for the target.

tryCreate tryCreate(TreeLogger logger,
                              java.lang.String packageName,
                              java.lang.String simpleName)
Attempts to get a PrintWriter so that the caller can generate the source code for the named type. If the named types already exists, null is returned to indicate that no work needs to be done. The file is not committed until commit(TreeLogger, PrintWriter) is called.

logger - a logger; normally the logger passed into the currently invoked generator, or a branch thereof
packageName - the name of the package to which the create type belongs
simpleName - the unqualified source name of the type being generated
null if the package and class already exists, otherwise a PrintWriter is returned.

tryCreateResource tryCreateResource(TreeLogger logger,
                                       java.lang.String partialPath)
                                       throws UnableToCompleteException
Attempts to get an OutputStream so that the caller can write file contents into the named file underneath the compilation output directory. The file is not committed until commitResource(TreeLogger, OutputStream) is called.

logger - a logger; normally the logger passed into the currently invoked generator, or a branch thereof
partialPath - the name of the file whose contents are to be written; the name can include subdirectories separated by forward slashes ('/')
an OutputStream into which file contents can be written, or null if a resource by that name is already pending or already exists
UnableToCompleteException - if the resource could not be initialized for some reason, such as if the specified partial path is invalid


boolean tryReuseTypeFromCache(java.lang.String typeName)
Mark a type to be reused from the generator result cache, if available. Calling this method with a successful response indicates that the calling generator will not re-generate this type. A cached version of this type will be added to the context once the calling generator returns from IncrementalGenerator.generateIncrementally(,, java.lang.String), with a result containing RebindMode.USE_PARTIAL_CACHED.

typeName - the fully qualified source name of a type.
true if the requested type is available from the generator result cache, false otherwise.

GWT 2.7.0