GWT 2.7.0
Annotation Type ServiceName

public @interface ServiceName

Annotation on Request classes specifying the server-side implementations that back them.This annotation can be used in place of Service if the service type is not available to the GWT compiler or DevMode runtime.

Required Element Summary
 java.lang.String value
          The binary name of the domain type that provides the implementations for the methods defined in the RequestContext.
Optional Element Summary
 java.lang.String locator
          An optional binary name of a ServiceLocator that provides instances of service objects used when invoking instance methods on the type returned by value().

Element Detail


public abstract java.lang.String value
The binary name of the domain type that provides the implementations for the methods defined in the RequestContext.


public abstract java.lang.String locator
An optional binary name of a ServiceLocator that provides instances of service objects used when invoking instance methods on the type returned by value().


GWT 2.7.0