GWT 2.7.0
Interface HasRequestContext<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of data being edited
All Superinterfaces:

public interface HasRequestContext<T>
extends Editor<T>

Editors used with RequestFactoryEditorDriver that implement this interface will be provided with the RequestContext associated with the current editing session.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Editor.Ignore, Editor.Path
Method Summary
 void setRequestContext(RequestContext ctx)
          Called by RequestFactoryEditorDriver with the RequestContext passed into edit() or null if display() is called.

Method Detail


void setRequestContext(RequestContext ctx)
Called by RequestFactoryEditorDriver with the RequestContext passed into edit() or null if display() is called.

ctx - the RequestContext associated with the current editing session which may be null

GWT 2.7.0