GWT 2.7.0


Basic classes used in XML DOM parsing and XML document generation.


Interface Summary
Attr Attr objects represent key-value pairs of attributes on Element objects.
CDATASection This node represents escaped character sequences.
CharacterData This interface describes CharacterData XML nodes.
Comment This interface describes comment XML nodes.
Document Document objects represent XML documents.
DocumentFragment A DocumentFragment is a basket into which one may place other Node objects for future processing.
Element This interface represents XML DOM elements, which are the basic building block of XML.
EntityReference This interface represents entity references, such as &foo;.
NamedNodeMap Represents a string-to-node map, used in getAttributes.
Node This is the base interface for DOM nodes, as obtained from using XMLParser methods.
NodeList This interface represents an immutable ordered collection of nodes.
ProcessingInstruction This interface documents the ProcessingInstruction node type.
Text This interface describes text nodes, as might occur between tags.

Class Summary
XMLParser This class represents the client interface to XML parsing.

Exception Summary
DOMException Thrown when DOM exceptions occur.

Package Description

Basic classes used in XML DOM parsing and XML document generation. The classes in this package support parsing XML documents and creating new XML documents. The implementation uses the underlying browser.

GWT 2.7.0