GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use TreeItem Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. 

Uses of TreeItem in

Methods in that return TreeItem
 TreeItem Tree.addItem(IsWidget w)
          Overloaded version for IsWidget.
 TreeItem HasTreeItems.ForIsWidget.addItem(IsWidget w)
 TreeItem TreeItem.addItem(SafeHtml itemHtml)
          Adds a child tree item containing the specified html.
 TreeItem Tree.addItem(SafeHtml itemHtml)
          Adds a simple tree item containing the specified html.
 TreeItem HasTreeItems.addItem(SafeHtml itemHtml)
          Adds a simple tree item containing the specified html.
 TreeItem TreeItem.addItem(Widget widget)
          Adds a child tree item containing the specified widget.
 TreeItem Tree.addItem(Widget widget)
          Adds a new tree item containing the specified widget.
 TreeItem HasTreeItems.addItem(Widget widget)
          Adds a new tree item containing the specified widget.
 TreeItem TreeItem.addTextItem(java.lang.String itemText)
          Adds a child tree item containing the specified text.
 TreeItem Tree.addTextItem(java.lang.String itemText)
          Adds a simple tree item containing the specified text.
 TreeItem HasTreeItems.addTextItem(java.lang.String itemText)
          Adds a simple tree item containing the specified text.
 TreeItem TreeItem.asTreeItem()
 TreeItem IsTreeItem.asTreeItem()
          Returns the TreeItem aspect of the receiver.
 TreeItem TreeItem.getChild(int index)
          Gets the child at the specified index.
 TreeItem Tree.getItem(int index)
          Gets the top-level tree item at the specified index.
 TreeItem TreeItem.getParentItem()
          Gets this item's parent.
 TreeItem Tree.getSelectedItem()
          Gets the currently selected item.
 TreeItem TreeItem.insertItem(int beforeIndex, SafeHtml itemHtml)
          Inserts a child tree item at the specified index containing the specified html.
 TreeItem Tree.insertItem(int beforeIndex, SafeHtml itemHtml)
          Inserts a child tree item at the specified index containing the specified html.
 TreeItem TreeItem.insertItem(int beforeIndex, Widget widget)
          Inserts a child tree item at the specified index containing the specified widget.
 TreeItem Tree.insertItem(int beforeIndex, Widget widget)
          Inserts a child tree item at the specified index containing the specified widget.
 TreeItem TreeItem.insertTextItem(int beforeIndex, java.lang.String itemText)
          Inserts a child tree item at the specified index containing the specified text.
 TreeItem Tree.insertTextItem(int beforeIndex, java.lang.String itemText)
          Inserts a child tree item at the specified index containing the specified text.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type TreeItem
(package private)  java.util.ArrayList<TreeItem> TreeItem.getChildren()
(package private)  java.util.Map<Widget,TreeItem> Tree.getChildWidgets()
 java.util.Iterator<TreeItem> Tree.treeItemIterator()
          Iterator of tree items.

Methods in with parameters of type TreeItem
 void TreeItem.addItem(TreeItem item)
          Adds another item as a child to this one.
 void Tree.addItem(TreeItem item)
          Adds an item to the root level of this tree.
 void HasTreeItems.addItem(TreeItem item)
          Adds an tree item.
(package private)  void Tree.adopt(Widget widget, TreeItem treeItem)
(package private)  void TreeItem.TreeItemImpl.convertToFullNode(TreeItem item)
(package private)  void TreeItem.TreeItemImplIE8ToIE10.convertToFullNode(TreeItem item)
 void TreeListenerCollection.fireItemSelected(TreeItem item)
          Deprecated. Fires a "tree item selected" event to all listeners.
 void TreeListenerCollection.fireItemStateChanged(TreeItem item)
          Deprecated. Fires a "tree item state changed" event to all listeners.
(package private)  void Tree.fireStateChanged(TreeItem item, boolean open)
 int TreeItem.getChildIndex(TreeItem child)
          Gets the index of the specified child item.
 void TreeItem.insertItem(int beforeIndex, TreeItem item)
          Inserts an item as a child to this one.
 void Tree.insertItem(int beforeIndex, TreeItem item)
          Inserts an item into the root level of this tree.
protected  boolean Tree.isKeyboardNavigationEnabled(TreeItem currentItem)
          Indicates if keyboard navigation is enabled for the Tree and for a given TreeItem.
(package private)  void TreeItem.maybeRemoveItemFromParent(TreeItem item)
          Remove a tree item from its parent if it has one.
(package private)  void Tree.maybeUpdateSelection(TreeItem itemThatChangedState, boolean isItemOpening)
 void TreeListener.onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem item)
          Deprecated. use SelectionHandler.onSelection( instead
 void TreeListener.onTreeItemStateChanged(TreeItem item)
          Deprecated. use OpenHandler.onOpen( and/or CloseHandler.onClose(
 void TreeItem.removeItem(TreeItem item)
          Removes one of this item's children.
 void Tree.removeItem(TreeItem item)
          Removes an item from the root level of this tree.
 void HasTreeItems.removeItem(TreeItem item)
          Removes an item.
(package private)  void TreeItem.setParentItem(TreeItem parent)
 void Tree.setSelectedItem(TreeItem item)
          Selects a specified item.
 void Tree.setSelectedItem(TreeItem item, boolean fireEvents)
          Selects a specified item.
(package private)  void Tree.showClosedImage(TreeItem treeItem)
          Called only from TreeItem: Shows the closed image on that tree item.
(package private)  void Tree.showLeafImage(TreeItem treeItem)
          Called only from TreeItem: Shows the leaf image on a tree item.
(package private)  void Tree.showOpenImage(TreeItem treeItem)
          Called only from TreeItem: Shows the open image on a tree item.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type TreeItem
 HandlerRegistration Tree.addCloseHandler(CloseHandler<TreeItem> handler)
 HandlerRegistration Tree.addOpenHandler(OpenHandler<TreeItem> handler)
 HandlerRegistration Tree.addSelectionHandler(SelectionHandler<TreeItem> handler)
(package private)  void TreeItem.addTreeItems(java.util.List<TreeItem> accum)
 void ListenerWrapper.WrappedTreeListener.onClose(CloseEvent<TreeItem> event)
 void ListenerWrapper.WrappedTreeListener.onOpen(OpenEvent<TreeItem> event)
 void ListenerWrapper.WrappedTreeListener.onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem> event)

GWT 2.7.0