GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use HasOneWidget Log handlers and related classes for java.util.logging support in GWT. Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. 

Uses of HasOneWidget in

Classes in that implement HasOneWidget
 class LoggingPopup
          A simple popup to show log messages, which can be resized, minimized, and dragged to a different location.

Uses of HasOneWidget in

Classes in that implement HasOneWidget
 class CustomScrollPanel
          A custom version of the ScrollPanel that allows user provided scrollbars.
 class DecoratedPopupPanel
           A PopupPanel that wraps its content in a 3x3 grid, which allows users to add rounded corners.
 class DecoratorPanel
           A SimplePanel that wraps its contents in stylized boxes, which can be used to add rounded corners to a Widget.
 class DialogBox
          A form of popup that has a caption area at the top and can be dragged by the user.
 class FocusPanel
          A simple panel that makes its contents focusable, and adds the ability to catch mouse and keyboard events.
 class FormPanel
          A panel that wraps its contents in an HTML <FORM> element.
 class LazyPanel
          Convenience class to help lazy loading.
 class PopupPanel
          A panel that can "pop up" over other widgets.
 class ResizeLayoutPanel
          A simple panel that ProvidesResize to its one child, but does not RequiresResize.
 class ScrollPanel
          A simple panel that wraps its contents in a scrollable area.
 class SimpleLayoutPanel
          A simple panel that ProvidesResize to its one child.
 class SimplePanel
          Base class for panels that contain only one widget.

GWT 2.7.0