GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. 

Uses of DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant in

Fields in declared as DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant
static DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant DockPanel.CENTER
          Specifies that a widget be added at the center of the dock.
 DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant DockPanel.LayoutData.direction
static DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant DockPanel.EAST
          Specifies that a widget be added at the east edge of the dock.
static DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant DockPanel.LINE_END
          Specifies that a widget be added at the end of the line direction for the layout.
static DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant DockPanel.LINE_START
          Specifies that a widget be added at the beginning of the line direction for the layout.
static DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant DockPanel.NORTH
          Specifies that a widget be added at the north edge of the dock.
static DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant DockPanel.SOUTH
          Specifies that a widget be added at the south edge of the dock.
static DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant DockPanel.WEST
          Specifies that a widget be added at the west edge of the dock.

Methods in that return DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant
 DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant DockPanel.getWidgetDirection(Widget w)
          Gets the layout direction of the given child widget.

Methods in with parameters of type DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant
 void DockPanel.add(IsWidget widget, DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant direction)
          Overloaded version for IsWidget.
 void DockPanel.add(Widget widget, DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant direction)
          Adds a widget to the specified edge of the dock.

Constructors in with parameters of type DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant
DockPanel.LayoutData(DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant dir)

GWT 2.7.0