GWT 2.7.0
Interface HasAutoHorizontalAlignment

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DateLabel, DialogBox.CaptionImpl, HTML, InlineHTML, InlineLabel, Label, LabelBase, NumberLabel, ValueLabel

public interface HasAutoHorizontalAlignment
extends HasHorizontalAlignment

A widget that implements this interface can be configured to be aligned according to its contents' direction, in addition to the static alignment options offered by HasHorizontalAlignment.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant, HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant
Field Summary
static HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant ALIGN_CONTENT_END
          Specifies that the widget's contents should be aligned right for LTR content, left for RTL content, and if the content's direction is DEFAULT, like HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LOCALE_END.
static HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant ALIGN_CONTENT_START
          Specifies that the widget's contents should be aligned left for LTR content, right for RTL content, and if the content's direction is DEFAULT, like HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LOCALE_START.
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant getAutoHorizontalAlignment()
          Gets the horizontal auto-alignment setting.
 void setAutoHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant autoHorizontalAlignment)
          Sets the horizontal alignment, allowing in addition to the "static" HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant values, the "automatic" HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant values that depend on the content direction.
Methods inherited from interface
getHorizontalAlignment, setHorizontalAlignment

Field Detail


static final HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant ALIGN_CONTENT_START
Specifies that the widget's contents should be aligned left for LTR content, right for RTL content, and if the content's direction is DEFAULT, like HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LOCALE_START.


static final HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant ALIGN_CONTENT_END
Specifies that the widget's contents should be aligned right for LTR content, left for RTL content, and if the content's direction is DEFAULT, like HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LOCALE_END.

Method Detail


HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant getAutoHorizontalAlignment()
Gets the horizontal auto-alignment setting. This may be one of the auto-alignment values above that depend on content direction (e.g. ALIGN_CONTENT_START), or one of the "static" HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant alignment values (e.g. HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LOCALE_START). It may be set by either setAutoHorizontalAlignment or HasHorizontalAlignment#setHorizontalAlignment. The default is null, indicating that no specific horizontal alignment has been set, allowing it to be determined by the usual HTML and CSS mechanisms.

the current automatic horizontal alignment policy.


void setAutoHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant autoHorizontalAlignment)
Sets the horizontal alignment, allowing in addition to the "static" HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant values, the "automatic" HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant values that depend on the content direction. Determines the values returned by both getAutoHorizontalAlignment() and HasHorizontalAlignment.getHorizontalAlignment().

For the ALIGN_CONTENT_START and ALIGN_CONTENT_END values, sets the horizontal alignment (including the value of HasHorizontalAlignment#getHorizontalAlignment()) to the start or end edge of the current content's direction, respectively, and continues to automatically update it whenever the content direction changes.

For other values, operates like HasHorizontalAlignment.setHorizontalAlignment(

For null, the horizontal alignment is cleared, allowing it to be determined by the standard HTML mechanisms such as inheritance and CSS rules.

autoHorizontalAlignment - the new automatic horizontal alignment policy
See Also:

GWT 2.7.0