GWT 2.7.0
Interface AnimatedLayout

All Known Implementing Classes:
DeckLayoutPanel, DockLayoutPanel, LayoutPanel, RootLayoutPanel, SplitLayoutPanel, StackLayoutPanel, TabLayoutPanel

public interface AnimatedLayout

Specifies that a panel can animate between layouts.

The normal use pattern is to set all childrens' positions, then to call animate(int) to move them to their new positions over some period of time.

Method Summary
 void animate(int duration)
          Layout children, animating over the specified period of time.
 void animate(int duration, Layout.AnimationCallback callback)
          Layout children, animating over the specified period of time.
 void forceLayout()
          Layout children immediately.

Method Detail


void animate(int duration)
Layout children, animating over the specified period of time.

duration - the animation duration, in milliseconds


void animate(int duration,
             Layout.AnimationCallback callback)
Layout children, animating over the specified period of time.

This method provides a callback that will be informed of animation updates. This can be used to create more complex animation effects.

duration - the animation duration, in milliseconds
callback - the animation callback


void forceLayout()
Layout children immediately.

This is not normally necessary, unless you want to update child widgets' positions explicitly to create a starting point for a subsequent call to animate(int).

See Also:
animate(int), animate(int, Layout.AnimationCallback)

GWT 2.7.0