GWT 2.7.0
Interface HasRpcToken

public interface HasRpcToken

An interface implemented by client-side RPC proxy objects. Cast the object returned from GWT.create(Class) on a RemoteService to this interface to set RpcToken and RpcTokenExceptionHandler.

Method Summary
 RpcToken getRpcToken()
          Return RPC token used with this RPC instance.
 RpcTokenExceptionHandler getRpcTokenExceptionHandler()
          Return RPC token exception handler used with this RPC instance.
 void setRpcToken(RpcToken token)
          Sets the RpcToken to be included with each RPC call.
 void setRpcTokenExceptionHandler(RpcTokenExceptionHandler handler)
          Sets the handler for exceptions that occurred during RPC token processing.

Method Detail


RpcToken getRpcToken()
Return RPC token used with this RPC instance.

RPC token or null if none set.


RpcTokenExceptionHandler getRpcTokenExceptionHandler()
Return RPC token exception handler used with this RPC instance.

Exception handler or null if none set.


void setRpcToken(RpcToken token)
Sets the RpcToken to be included with each RPC call.


void setRpcTokenExceptionHandler(RpcTokenExceptionHandler handler)
Sets the handler for exceptions that occurred during RPC token processing.

GWT 2.7.0