GWT 2.7.0
Interface ElementParser

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbsolutePanelParser, AttributeMessageParser, BeanParser, CellPanelParser, CustomButtonParser, DateLabelParser, DialogBoxParser, DisclosurePanelParser, DockLayoutPanelParser, DockPanelParser, DomElementParser, FlowPanelParser, GridParser, HasAlignmentParser, HasHTMLParser, HasTextParser, HasTreeItemsParser, HasWidgetsParser, HTMLPanelParser, ImageParser, IsEmptyParser, LayoutPanelParser, LazyPanelParser, ListBoxParser, MenuBarParser, MenuItemParser, NumberLabelParser, RenderablePanelParser, StackLayoutPanelParser, StackPanelParser, TabLayoutPanelParser, TabPanelParser, UiChildParser, UIObjectParser

public interface ElementParser

Element parsers are classes that parse xml elements, using the context to generate widget initialization code.

Method Summary
 void parse( elem, java.lang.String fieldName, JClassType type, writer)
          Parse the given element, generating the code to initialize it from the element's attributes and children.

Method Detail


void parse( elem,
           java.lang.String fieldName,
           JClassType type,
           throws UnableToCompleteException
Parse the given element, generating the code to initialize it from the element's attributes and children.

elem - the element to be parsed
fieldName - the name of the widget field to be initialized
type - TODO
writer - the writer
UnableToCompleteException - on error

GWT 2.7.0