GWT 2.7.0


Interface Summary

Class Summary
ClassNamesCollector Collect all CSS class names in a stylesheet.
CreateRuntimeConditionalNodes Visitor that handles conditional nodes with conditions that need to be evaluated at runtime.
CssPrinter Visitor that converts the AST to a String that can be evaluated as a Java expression.
EvalFunction GSS function that creates a CssJavaExpressionNode in order to evaluate a Java expression at runtime.
ExtendedEliminateConditionalNodes A compiler pass that eliminates the conditional blocks for which the boolean expression does not evaluate to true.
ExternalClassesCollector Compiler pass that collects external styles declared with the @external at-rule.
GwtGssFunctionMapProvider GssFunctionMapProvider that adds the mapping of GssFunction implemented for GWT.
ImageSpriteCreator Visitor that detects sprite definitions and replace them by several css rules in order to create the corresponding sprited image.
PermutationsCollector Visitor that collects the different permutation axis defined in a gss file.
RecordingBidiFlipper Compiler pass that BiDi flips all the flippable nodes and records if nodes have been flipped.
RenamingSubstitutionMap This SubstitutionMap is used for renaming each style classes of the ast by its corresponding obfuscated name.
ResourceUrlFunction Gss function that create the needed nodes in order to correctly get the url of a resource.
RuntimeConditionalBlockCollector Visitor that collects conditional blocks containing conditions that need to be evaluated at runtime.
ValidateRuntimeConditionalNode Visitor that validates runtime conditional node.
ValueFunction Handles the value() function.

GWT 2.7.0