GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResourcePrototype Standard Cell subclasses used by the cellview widgets. Classes for aggregating static resources into bundles. The "cellview" widget set. Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. 

Uses of ResourcePrototype in

Subinterfaces of ResourcePrototype in
static interface ButtonCellBase.DefaultAppearance.Style
          The Styles used by this appearance.

Uses of ResourcePrototype in

Classes in with type parameters of type ResourcePrototype
 interface ResourceCallback<R extends ResourcePrototype>
          A callback interface for asynchronous operations on resources.

Subinterfaces of ResourcePrototype in
(package private) static interface CommonResources.InlineBlockStyle
          Cross-browser implementation of the "display: inline-block" CSS property.
 interface CssResource
          Aggregates and minifies CSS stylesheets.
 interface CssResourceBase
          Marker interface for all classes that should be obfuscated together in Css Resource generation.
 interface DataResource
          A non-text resource.
 interface ExternalTextResource
          Identical to TextResource, except the contents of the resource are not inlined into the compiled output.
 interface GwtCreateResource<T>
          This resource type allows any class that can be instantiated via a call to GWT.create(Class) to be used within an ClientBundle.
 interface ImageResource
          Provides access to image resources at runtime.
 interface TextResource
          A resource that contains text that should be incorporated into the compiled output.

Methods in that return ResourcePrototype
 ResourcePrototype ResourceException.getResource()
 ResourcePrototype ClientBundleWithLookup.getResource(java.lang.String name)
          Find a resource by the name of the function in which it is declared.
 ResourcePrototype[] ClientBundleWithLookup.getResources()
          A convenience method to iterate over all ResourcePrototypes contained in the ClientBundle.

Constructors in with parameters of type ResourcePrototype
ResourceException(ResourcePrototype resource)
ResourceException(ResourcePrototype resource, java.lang.String msg)
ResourceException(ResourcePrototype resource, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Throwable t)

Uses of ResourcePrototype in

Subinterfaces of ResourcePrototype in
static interface CellBrowser.Style
          Styles used by this widget.
static interface CellList.Style
          Styles used by this widget.
(package private) static interface CellTable.BasicStyle
          Styles used by CellTable.BasicResources.
static interface CellTable.Style
          Styles used by this widget.
(package private) static interface CellTree.BasicStyle
          Styles used by CellTree.BasicResources.
static interface CellTree.Style
          Styles used by this widget.
static interface DataGrid.Style
          Styles used by this widget.
static interface SimplePager.Style
          Styles used by this widget.

Uses of ResourcePrototype in

Subinterfaces of ResourcePrototype in
static interface CustomScrollPanel.Style
          Styles used by this widget.
static interface NativeHorizontalScrollbar.Style
          Styles used by this widget.
static interface NativeHorizontalScrollbar.StyleTransparant
          A variation of NativeHorizontalScrollbar.Style that renders the scrollbar semi-transparent until it is hovered.
static interface NativeVerticalScrollbar.Style
          Styles used by this widget.
static interface NativeVerticalScrollbar.StyleTransparant
          A variation of NativeVerticalScrollbar.Style that renders the scrollbar semi-transparent until it is hovered.
static interface NotificationMole.Style
          Default CSS styles for this widget.

GWT 2.7.0