GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use ImageResource.ImageOptions Standard Cell subclasses used by the cellview widgets. The "cellview" widget set. Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. 

Uses of ImageResource.ImageOptions in

Methods in with annotations of type ImageResource.ImageOptions
 ImageResource ButtonCellBase.DefaultAppearance.Resources.buttonCellBaseBackground()
          The background image applied to the button.

Uses of ImageResource.ImageOptions in

Methods in with annotations of type ImageResource.ImageOptions
 ImageResource CellBrowser.Resources.cellBrowserClosed()
          An image indicating a closed branch.
 ImageResource CellBrowser.Resources.cellBrowserOpen()
          An image indicating an open branch.
 ImageResource CellBrowser.Resources.cellBrowserOpenBackground()
          The background used for open items.
 ImageResource CellBrowser.Resources.cellBrowserSelectedBackground()
          The background used for selected items.
 ImageResource CellList.Resources.cellListSelectedBackground()
          The background used for selected items.
 ImageResource CellTable.Resources.cellTableFooterBackground()
          The background used for footer cells.
 ImageResource CellTable.Resources.cellTableHeaderBackground()
          The background used for header cells.
 ImageResource CellTable.Resources.cellTableLoading()
          The loading indicator used while the table is waiting for data.
 ImageResource CellTable.Resources.cellTableSelectedBackground()
          The background used for selected cells.
 ImageResource CellTable.Resources.cellTableSortAscending()
          Icon used when a column is sorted in ascending order.
 ImageResource CellTable.Resources.cellTableSortDescending()
          Icon used when a column is sorted in descending order.
 ImageResource CellTree.BasicResources.cellTreeClosedItem()
 ImageResource CellTree.Resources.cellTreeClosedItem()
          An image indicating a closed branch.
 ImageResource CellTree.BasicResources.cellTreeLoading()
 ImageResource CellTree.Resources.cellTreeLoading()
          An image indicating that a node is loading.
 ImageResource CellTree.BasicResources.cellTreeOpenItem()
 ImageResource CellTree.Resources.cellTreeOpenItem()
          An image indicating an open branch.
 ImageResource CellTree.Resources.cellTreeSelectedBackground()
          The background used for selected items.
 ImageResource DataGrid.Resources.dataGridLoading()
          The loading indicator used while the table is waiting for data.
 ImageResource DataGrid.Resources.dataGridSortAscending()
          Icon used when a column is sorted in ascending order.
 ImageResource DataGrid.Resources.dataGridSortDescending()
          Icon used when a column is sorted in descending order.
 ImageResource SimplePager.Resources.simplePagerFastForward()
          The image used to skip ahead multiple pages.
 ImageResource SimplePager.Resources.simplePagerFastForwardDisabled()
          The disabled "fast forward" image.
 ImageResource SimplePager.Resources.simplePagerFirstPage()
          The image used to go to the first page.
 ImageResource SimplePager.Resources.simplePagerFirstPageDisabled()
          The disabled first page image.
 ImageResource SimplePager.Resources.simplePagerLastPage()
          The image used to go to the last page.
 ImageResource SimplePager.Resources.simplePagerLastPageDisabled()
          The disabled last page image.
 ImageResource SimplePager.Resources.simplePagerNextPage()
          The image used to go to the next page.
 ImageResource SimplePager.Resources.simplePagerNextPageDisabled()
          The disabled next page image.
 ImageResource SimplePager.Resources.simplePagerPreviousPage()
          The image used to go to the previous page.
 ImageResource SimplePager.Resources.simplePagerPreviousPageDisabled()
          The disabled previous page image.

Uses of ImageResource.ImageOptions in

Methods in with annotations of type ImageResource.ImageOptions
 ImageResource DisclosurePanel.DefaultImages.disclosurePanelClosed()
 ImageResource MenuBar.Resources.menuBarSubMenuIcon()
          An image indicating a MenuItem has an associated submenu.

GWT 2.7.0