GWT 2.7.0


A package for managing bookmarkable locations in an application.


Interface Summary
PlaceChangeEvent.Handler Implemented by handlers of PlaceChangeEvent.
PlaceChangeRequestEvent.Handler Implemented by handlers of PlaceChangeRequestEvent.
PlaceController.Delegate Optional delegate in charge of Window-related events.
PlaceHistoryHandler.Historian Optional delegate in charge of History related events.
PlaceHistoryMapper Maps Places to/from tokens, used to configure a PlaceHistoryHandler.
PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory<F> A PlaceHistoryMapper that can get its PlaceTokenizer instances from a factory.
PlaceTokenizer<P extends Place> Implemented by objects responsible for text serialization and deserialization of Place objects.

Class Summary
Place Represents a bookmarkable location in an app.
PlaceChangeEvent Event thrown when the user has reached a new location in the app.
PlaceChangeRequestEvent Event thrown when the user may go to a new place in the app, or tries to leave it.
PlaceController In charge of the user's location in the app.
PlaceController.DefaultDelegate Default implementation of PlaceController.DefaultDelegate, based on Window.
PlaceHistoryHandler Monitors PlaceChangeEvents and History events and keep them in sync.
PlaceHistoryHandler.DefaultHistorian Default implementation of PlaceHistoryHandler.DefaultHistorian, based on History.

Annotation Types Summary
Prefix Indicates the prefix to use when the token written by PlaceTokenizer.getToken(Place) is written to History.newItem(java.lang.String).
WithTokenizers Indicates PlaceTokenizer types used by an implementation of PlaceHistoryMapper generated by

Package Description

A package for managing bookmarkable locations in an application.

GWT 2.1

GWT 2.7.0