GWT 2.7.0
Annotation Type GwtIncompatible

public @interface GwtIncompatible

A simple of a GwtIncompatible annotation. Any class, method or field with an annotation @GwtIncompatible (with any package prefix) is ignored by the GWT compiler. Since only the name of the annotation matters, Java libraries may use their own copy of this annotation class to avoid adding a compile-time dependency on GWT. For example: {@code class A { int field;

Optional Element Summary
 java.lang.String value
          An attribute that can be used to explain why the code is incompatible.


public abstract java.lang.String value
An attribute that can be used to explain why the code is incompatible. A GwtIncompatible annotation can have any number of attributes; attributes are for documentation purposes and are ignored by the GWT compiler.


GWT 2.7.0