GWT 2.7.0


A package containing implementations of the GWT bootstrap linkers.


Class Summary
CrossSiteIframeLinker This linker uses an iframe to hold the code and a script tag to download the code.
D8ScriptLinker A Linker for producing a single JavaScript file from a GWT module that can be run in the d8 command line profiler.
DirectInstallLinker A linker that adds a script tag directly to the iframe rather than downloading the JavaScript code as a list of strings and then installing it into the iframe.
IFrameLinker Deprecated. use CrossSiteIframeLinker instead.
SingleScriptLinker A Linker for producing a single JavaScript file from a GWT module.
SoycReportLinker Converts SOYC report files into emitted private artifacts.
SymbolMapsLinker This Linker exports the symbol maps associated with each compilation result as a private file.
SymbolMapsLinker.ScriptFragmentEditsArtifact Artifact to record insertions or deletions made to Javascript fragments.
SymbolMapsLinker.SourceMapArtifact Artifact to represent a sourcemap file to be processed by SymbolMapsLinker.
XSLinker Deprecated. use CrossSiteIframeLinker instead.

Enum Summary
SymbolMapsLinker.ScriptFragmentEditsArtifact.Edit Operation type performed on script.

Package Description

A package containing implementations of the GWT bootstrap linkers.

GWT 2.7.0