GWT 2.7.0


Fundamental classes used in client-side GWT code.


Interface Summary
AsyncProvider<T,F> An object capable of providing an instance of type T asynchronously via Callback.
Callback<T,F> A callback for any asynchronous call that can result in success or failure.
EntryPoint Implement this interface to allow a class to act as a module entry point.
GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler This interface is used to catch exceptions at the "top level" just before they escape to the browser.
RunAsyncCallback A callback meant to be used by GWT.runAsync(RunAsyncCallback).
Scheduler.RepeatingCommand General-purpose Command interface for tasks that repeat.
Scheduler.ScheduledCommand General-purpose Command interface.

Class Summary
Duration A utility class for measuring elapsed time.
GWT Supports core functionality that in some cases requires direct support from the compiler and runtime systems such as runtime type information and deferred binding.
GWTBridge When running in Development Mode, acts as a bridge from GWT into the Development Mode environment.
HttpThrowableReporter Deprecated. Use JsonLogRecordClientUtil instead.
JavaScriptObject An opaque handle to a native JavaScript object.
JsArray<T extends JavaScriptObject> A simple wrapper around a homogeneous native array of JavaScriptObject values.
JsArrayBoolean A simple wrapper around a homogeneous native array of boolean values.
JsArrayInteger A simple wrapper around a homogeneous native array of integer values.
JsArrayMixed A simple wrapper around an heterogeneous native array of values.
JsArrayNumber A simple wrapper around a homogeneous native array of numeric values.
JsArrayString A simple wrapper around a homogeneous native array of string values.
JsArrayUtils Utility class for manipulating JS arrays.
JsDate A simple wrapper around a native JS Date object.
JsonUtils Provides JSON-related utility methods.
Scheduler This class provides low-level task scheduling primitives.
ScriptInjector Dynamically create a script tag and attach it to the DOM.
ScriptInjector.FromString Builder for directly injecting a script body into the DOM.
ScriptInjector.FromUrl Build an injection call for adding a script by URL.

Enum Summary
CodeDownloadException.Reason Reason codes for the interruption of code down load.

Exception Summary
CodeDownloadException Exception indicating an interruption while downloading resources.
JavaScriptException Any JavaScript exceptions occurring within JSNI methods are wrapped as this class when caught in Java code.

Annotation Types Summary
GwtScriptOnly This annotation is used to break out of a module's source path in hosted mode.
SingleJsoImpl This annotation may be placed on an interface to declare the single JavaScriptObject type that implements the interface.
SingleJsoImplName This annotation may be placed on an interface to name the single JavaScriptObject type that implements the interface.
UnsafeNativeLong This annotation can be placed on a native method to allow it to directly access Java long values.

Package Description

Fundamental classes used in client-side GWT code. The classes in this package represent concepts fundamental to GWT, such as module entry points, and interfacing with JavaScript.

GWT 2.7.0