GWT 2.7.0
Annotation Type JsType

public @interface JsType

JsType is used to describe the interface of a Javascript object, either one that already exists from the external Javascript environment, or one that will be accessible to the external Javascript environment. Calls to methods on interfaces marked with this annotation are treated specially by the GWT compiler for interoperability purposes. Such methods need not be backed by an Overlay type implementation, the GWT compiler will assume that a JS method on the prototype of the underlying reference will match the name of the method on this interface.

Furthermore, if the JsType is marked with a prototype reference, then concrete implementations of the class emitted by the GWT compiler will use the specified prototype as opposed the the ordinary one (e.g. java.lang.Object).

JsTypes act like JavaScriptObject in terms of castability, except when a prototype is specified, in which case, cast checks and instanceof checks will be delegated to the native JS instanceof operator.

Optional Element Summary
 boolean isNative
 java.lang.String prototype


public abstract java.lang.String prototype


public abstract boolean isNative

GWT 2.7.0