GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SectionRole   

Uses of SectionRole in

Subinterfaces of SectionRole in
 interface AlertdialogRole
          A type that represents the alertdialog role in the ARIA specification.
 interface AlertRole
          A type that represents the alert role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ApplicationRole
          A type that represents the application role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ArticleRole
          A type that represents the article role in the ARIA specification.
 interface BannerRole
          A type that represents the banner role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ColumnheaderRole
          A type that represents the columnheader role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ComboboxRole
          A type that represents the combobox role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ComplementaryRole
          A type that represents the complementary role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ContentinfoRole
          A type that represents the contentinfo role in the ARIA specification.
 interface DefinitionRole
          A type that represents the definition role in the ARIA specification.
 interface DirectoryRole
          A type that represents the directory role in the ARIA specification.
 interface FormRole
          A type that represents the form role in the ARIA specification.
 interface GridcellRole
          A type that represents the gridcell role in the ARIA specification.
 interface GridRole
          A type that represents the grid role in the ARIA specification.
 interface GroupRole
          A type that represents the group role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ImgRole
          A type that represents the img role in the ARIA specification.
 interface LandmarkRole
          A type that represents the landmark role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ListboxRole
          A type that represents the listbox role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ListitemRole
          A type that represents the listitem role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ListRole
          A type that represents the list role in the ARIA specification.
 interface LogRole
          A type that represents the log role in the ARIA specification.
 interface MainRole
          A type that represents the main role in the ARIA specification.
 interface MarqueeRole
          A type that represents the marquee role in the ARIA specification.
 interface MathRole
          A type that represents the math role in the ARIA specification.
 interface MenubarRole
          A type that represents the menubar role in the ARIA specification.
 interface MenuRole
          A type that represents the menu role in the ARIA specification.
 interface NavigationRole
          A type that represents the navigation role in the ARIA specification.
 interface NoteRole
          A type that represents the note role in the ARIA specification.
 interface RadiogroupRole
          A type that represents the radiogroup role in the ARIA specification.
 interface RegionRole
          A type that represents the region role in the ARIA specification.
 interface RowgroupRole
          A type that represents the rowgroup role in the ARIA specification.
 interface RowheaderRole
          A type that represents the rowheader role in the ARIA specification.
 interface RowRole
          A type that represents the row role in the ARIA specification.
 interface SearchRole
          A type that represents the search role in the ARIA specification.
 interface SelectRole
          A type that represents the select role in the ARIA specification.
 interface StatusRole
          A type that represents the status role in the ARIA specification.
 interface TablistRole
          A type that represents the tablist role in the ARIA specification.
 interface TabpanelRole
          A type that represents the tabpanel role in the ARIA specification.
 interface TimerRole
          A type that represents the timer role in the ARIA specification.
 interface ToolbarRole
          A type that represents the toolbar role in the ARIA specification.
 interface TooltipRole
          A type that represents the tooltip role in the ARIA specification.
 interface TreegridRole
          A type that represents the treegrid role in the ARIA specification.
 interface TreeitemRole
          A type that represents the treeitem role in the ARIA specification.
 interface TreeRole
          A type that represents the tree role in the ARIA specification.

Classes in that implement SectionRole
(package private)  class AlertdialogRoleImpl
          Implements AlertdialogRole.
(package private)  class AlertRoleImpl
          Implements AlertRole.
(package private)  class ApplicationRoleImpl
          Implements ApplicationRole.
(package private)  class ArticleRoleImpl
          Implements ArticleRole.
(package private)  class BannerRoleImpl
          Implements BannerRole.
(package private)  class ColumnheaderRoleImpl
          Implements ColumnheaderRole.
(package private)  class ComboboxRoleImpl
          Implements ComboboxRole.
(package private)  class ComplementaryRoleImpl
          Implements ComplementaryRole.
(package private)  class ContentinfoRoleImpl
          Implements ContentinfoRole.
(package private)  class DefinitionRoleImpl
          Implements DefinitionRole.
(package private)  class DirectoryRoleImpl
          Implements DirectoryRole.
(package private)  class FormRoleImpl
          Implements FormRole.
(package private)  class GridcellRoleImpl
          Implements GridcellRole.
(package private)  class GridRoleImpl
          Implements GridRole.
(package private)  class GroupRoleImpl
          Implements GroupRole.
(package private)  class ImgRoleImpl
          Implements ImgRole.
(package private)  class ListboxRoleImpl
          Implements ListboxRole.
(package private)  class ListitemRoleImpl
          Implements ListitemRole.
(package private)  class ListRoleImpl
          Implements ListRole.
(package private)  class LogRoleImpl
          Implements LogRole.
(package private)  class MainRoleImpl
          Implements MainRole.
(package private)  class MarqueeRoleImpl
          Implements MarqueeRole.
(package private)  class MathRoleImpl
          Implements MathRole.
(package private)  class MenubarRoleImpl
          Implements MenubarRole.
(package private)  class MenuRoleImpl
          Implements MenuRole.
(package private)  class NavigationRoleImpl
          Implements NavigationRole.
(package private)  class NoteRoleImpl
          Implements NoteRole.
(package private)  class RadiogroupRoleImpl
          Implements RadiogroupRole.
(package private)  class RegionRoleImpl
          Implements RegionRole.
(package private)  class RowgroupRoleImpl
          Implements RowgroupRole.
(package private)  class RowheaderRoleImpl
          Implements RowheaderRole.
(package private)  class RowRoleImpl
          Implements RowRole.
(package private)  class SearchRoleImpl
          Implements SearchRole.
(package private)  class StatusRoleImpl
          Implements StatusRole.
(package private)  class TablistRoleImpl
          Implements TablistRole.
(package private)  class TabpanelRoleImpl
          Implements TabpanelRole.
(package private)  class TimerRoleImpl
          Implements TimerRole.
(package private)  class ToolbarRoleImpl
          Implements ToolbarRole.
(package private)  class TooltipRoleImpl
          Implements TooltipRole.
(package private)  class TreegridRoleImpl
          Implements TreegridRole.
(package private)  class TreeitemRoleImpl
          Implements TreeitemRole.
(package private)  class TreeRoleImpl
          Implements TreeRole.

GWT 2.7.0