Class RaConfigContext.RaEntity

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class RaConfigContext.RaEntity
    extends RaConfigContext
    Matches RA entities based on their entity name.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RaEntity

        public RaEntity​(@Nonnull
                        StringMatcher entityName)
        entityName - Matches against RA entity names.
    • Method Detail

      • matchesEntity

        public ResultAndWarnings<java.lang.Boolean> matchesEntity​(@Nonnull
        Description copied from class: RaConfigContext
        Returns whether or not the given RA entity data matches this context, along with any warnings gathered while matching.
        Specified by:
        matchesEntity in class RaConfigContext
      • getEntityName

        public StringMatcher getEntityName()
        Returns the StringMatcher which is used to match against RA entity names.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()