This guide describes how to deploy, manage and maintain OCSS7 - OpenCloud’s SS7 Stack.
This document assumes a working knowledge of SS7 and SIGTRAN, as well as some familiarity with the administration of Linux systems and Java applications.
This document includes the following topics:
An overview of OCSS7, including features and architecture |
A step-by-step setup guide from packages through a test dialog, ignoring production-grade details |
SGC installation in detail, including production-grade features and tuning |
Configuration options for startup and runtime operations |
Monitoring OCC7’s operational state |
Driving OCCS7 from the command line |
Use of OCSS7 with OpenCloud’s CGIN Connectivity Pack |
Upgrading the SGC and the CGIN TCAP stack |
Gathering information for support requests |
Other documentation for OCSS7 can be found on the OCSS7 product page.