This command category supports general administration tasks such as activating the IM-SSF, or configuring the SCP timeout.
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Type help imssf at the sis-console to see a list of commands related to general IM-SSF configuration.
Display the current configuration
Command |
imssf-displaygeneralcfg Display general configuration of the IM-SSF |
Example |
To display the current general configuration: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-displaygeneralcfg IM-SSF Configuration Data addPAssertIDHeader : false autoPopulateInitialDP : false bNumberPrefixListForOAccess : 0800,0900 confirmedInviteErrorResponse : 487 ... |
Determine originating or terminating access and triggering
Command |
imssf-configurebnumberprefixes <prefixes> Provision the prefixes the IM-SSF will use to check the B number for, to see if it will be used to lookup O-CSI on an originating trigger. E.g: '0800,0900' |
Example |
To provision prefixes of 0800 and 0900: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-configurebnumberprefixes 0800,0900 B Number prefixes now set to: 0800,0900 |
Command |
imssf-configureoriginatingaccess <parameter-name> (<parameter-value>) Configure the parameter the IM-SSF uses to classify an incoming INVITE as originating access. Some operators use the presence of a parameter only (i.e it is originating if the parameter is there, otherwise terminating). Other operators always include a parameter, and use a particular parameter value (i.e it is originating or terminating depending on the parameter value). |
Example |
To use a parameter of 'call' with value 'orig': [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-configureoriginatingaccess call orig Method to determine originating access updated: look for the parameter 'call' with value 'orig' |
Install location-related properties
Command |
imssf-configurecountrycode <country-code> Set the coutry code |
Example |
To set the country code to 64: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-configurecountrycode 64 Country code now set to: 64 |
Command |
imssf-configureinternationaldiallingprefix <idd> Set the international dialling prefix |
Example |
To set the international dialing prefix to 00: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-configureinternationaldiallingprefix 00 International dialling prefix now set to: 00 |
Command |
imssf-configurescptimeout <timeout> Set the SCP response timeout (in ms). The IM-SSF treats the SCP as failed if it does not respond to an InitialDP within this timeout |
Example |
To set the SCP timeout to .5s: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-configurescptimeout 500 SCP timeout set to 500ms |
Configure SIP error-response codes
Command |
imssf-configuresiperrorresponsecodes <confirmed INVITE error code> <unconfirmed INVITE error code> <unconfirmed INVITE, after early media, error code> Configure the sip error response codes to use when send an error response in relation to the incoming INVITE. SIP error response codes can be provisioned for three scenarios: for a confirmed INVITE, for an unconfirmed INVITE and for an unconfirmed INVITE where early media has played. Some operators prefer to use the same error response code in all situations, some prefer to distinguish the case where early media is involved |
Example |
To use 'Request Terminated' for unconfirmed INVITEs and 'Not Acceptable' for confirmed INVITEs: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-configuresiperrorresponsecodes 487 606 606 Sip error response codes configured Confirmed INVITE : 487 Unconfirmed INVITE : 606 Unconfirmed INVITE, after early media: 606 |
Enable optional features
Command |
imssf-enableaddpassertidheader <true/false> Enable the automatic additional of P-Assert-ID headers if the From address is changed by the IM-SSF |
Example |
To enable this feature: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-enableaddpassertidheader true Adding of a P-Assert-ID header if the From address changes has been turned on |
Command |
imssf-enableautopopulateinitialdp <true/false> Turn on the auto-populate-initialDP feature |
Example |
To enable this feature: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-enableautopopulateinitialdp true The auto-populate-initialDP features has been turned on |
Command |
imssf-configureautopopulateinitialdpdefaults <msc address> <mcc> <mnc> <location number> Set the default values to apply for the autopopulated feauture. These defaults are all related to CAMEL. MscAddress is the address string to include in the MSCAddress parameter in CAMEL triggers. MCC (mobile country code) and MNC (mob network code) are used build a default imsi and in location related paramters. Location number is the address string used in the LocationNumber parameter. |
Example |
To set the default values related to auto-populating InitialDPs: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-configureautopopulateinitialdpdefaults 6413456768 530 4 64495750394 The auto-populate-initialDP related defaults have been set: CAP MSC Address : 6413456768 MCC : 530 MNC : 4 Location Address: 64495750394 |
Command |
imssf-enableupdatefromdisplayname <true/false> Enable update of the From address display name based on the Connect received from the SCP |
Example |
To enable this feature: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] imssf-enableupdatefromdisplayname true Update of the From address display name based on response from the SCP has been turned on |