Interface InputScheduler<InputType extends FSMInput>

  • Type Parameters:
    InputType -
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface InputScheduler<InputType extends FSMInput>
    The InputScheduler is used for scheduling changes to the FSM input register for a future execution of the FSM
    • Method Detail

      • raise

        void raise​(InputType input)
        Raise the input in the input register No change will be made to stored objects
        input -
      • raise

        void raise​(InputType input,
                   Object event)
        Raise the input in the input context
        input -
      • clearTransient

        void clearTransient()
      • clearDurable

        void clearDurable()
      • clearAll

        void clearAll()
      • clearAssociatedObject

        void clearAssociatedObject​(InputType input)
        Clear the event object without changing the input
      • clearAllEventObjects

        void clearAllEventObjects()
        Clear all event objects without changing the inputs
      • clearTransientEventObjects

        void clearTransientEventObjects()
        Clear all transient event objects without changing the transient inputs
      • clearDurableEventObjects

        void clearDurableEventObjects()
        Clear all durable event objects without changing the durable inputs