Interface ImsInformation

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Cloneable, DiameterAvp, GroupedAvp

    public interface ImsInformation
    extends GroupedAvp
    Defines an interface representing the IMS-Information grouped AVP type. From the Diameter Ro Reference Point Protocol Details (3GPP TS 32.299 V9.6.0) specification:
     7.2.77      IMS-Information AVP
     The IMS-Information AVP (AVP code 876) is of type Grouped. Its purpose is
     to allow the transmission of additional IMS service specific information
     It has the following ABNF grammar:
            IMS-Information ::=  < AVP Header: 876>
                                  [ Event-Type ]
                                  [ Role-Of-Node ]
                                  { Node-Functionality }
                                  [ User-Session-Id ]
                                  [ Outgoing-Session-Id ]
                                  [ Session-Priority ]
                                * [ Calling-Party-Address ]
                                  [ Called-Party-Address ]
                                * [ Called-Asserted-Identity ]
                                  [ Number-Portability-Routing-Information ]
                                  [ Carrier-Select-Routing-Information ]
                                  [ Alternate-Charged-Party-Address ]
                                  [ Requested-Party-Address ]
                                * [ Associated-URI ]
                                  [ Time-Stamps ]
                                * [ Application-Server-Information ]
                                * [ Inter-Operator-Identifier ]
                                  [ IMS-Charging-Identifier ]
                                * [ SDP-Session-Description ]
                                * [ SDP-Media-Component ]
                                  [ Served-Party-IP-Address ]
                                  [ Server-Capabilities ]
                                  [ Trunk-Group-ID ]
                                  [ Bearer-Service ]
                                  [ Service-Id ]
                                * [ Service-Specific-Info ]
                                * [ Message-Body ]
                                  [ Cause-Code ]
                                  [ Access-Network-Information ]
                                * [ Early-Media-Description]
                                  [ IMS-Communication-Service-Identifier ]
                                  [ Online-Charging-Flag ]
                                  [ Real-Time-Tariff-Information ]
                                  [ Account-Expiration ]
    The support for extension AVPs is present even thou the ABNF grammar for this AVP does not contain the "* [ AVP ]" line. Be aware that adding any extension AVPs may result in interoperability problems with products that strongly validate the incoming diameter message for it's adherence to the specification.
    • Method Detail

      • hasEventType

        boolean hasEventType()
        Returns true if the Event-Type AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getEventType

        EventType getEventType()
        Returns the value of the Event-Type AVP, of type Grouped.
        the value of the Event-Type AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setEventType

        void setEventType​(EventType eventType)
        Sets the value of the Event-Type AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if eventType is null.
      • removeEventType

        void removeEventType()
        Removes the Event-Type AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Event-Type AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasRoleOfNode

        boolean hasRoleOfNode()
        Returns true if the Role-Of-Node AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getRoleOfNode

        RoleOfNode getRoleOfNode()
        Returns the value of the Role-Of-Node AVP, of type Enumerated.
        the value of the Role-Of-Node AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setRoleOfNode

        void setRoleOfNode​(RoleOfNode roleOfNode)
        Sets the value of the Role-Of-Node AVP, of type Enumerated.
        NullPointerException - if roleOfNode is null.
      • removeRoleOfNode

        void removeRoleOfNode()
        Removes the Role-Of-Node AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Role-Of-Node AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasNodeFunctionality

        boolean hasNodeFunctionality()
        Returns true if the Node-Functionality AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getNodeFunctionality

        NodeFunctionality getNodeFunctionality()
        Returns the value of the Node-Functionality AVP, of type Enumerated.
        the value of the Node-Functionality AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setNodeFunctionality

        void setNodeFunctionality​(NodeFunctionality nodeFunctionality)
        Sets the value of the Node-Functionality AVP, of type Enumerated.
        NullPointerException - if nodeFunctionality is null.
      • removeNodeFunctionality

        void removeNodeFunctionality()
        Removes the Node-Functionality AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Node-Functionality AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasUserSessionId

        boolean hasUserSessionId()
        Returns true if the User-Session-Id AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getUserSessionId

        String getUserSessionId()
        Returns the value of the User-Session-Id AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the User-Session-Id AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setUserSessionId

        void setUserSessionId​(String userSessionId)
        Sets the value of the User-Session-Id AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if userSessionId is null.
      • removeUserSessionId

        void removeUserSessionId()
        Removes the User-Session-Id AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the User-Session-Id AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasOutgoingSessionId

        boolean hasOutgoingSessionId()
        Returns true if the Outgoing-Session-Id AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getOutgoingSessionId

        String getOutgoingSessionId()
        Returns the value of the Outgoing-Session-Id AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the Outgoing-Session-Id AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setOutgoingSessionId

        void setOutgoingSessionId​(String outgoingSessionId)
        Sets the value of the Outgoing-Session-Id AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if outgoingSessionId is null.
      • removeOutgoingSessionId

        void removeOutgoingSessionId()
        Removes the Outgoing-Session-Id AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Outgoing-Session-Id AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasSessionPriority

        boolean hasSessionPriority()
        Returns true if the Session-Priority AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getSessionPriority

        SessionPriority getSessionPriority()
        Returns the value of the Session-Priority AVP, of type Enumerated.
        the value of the Session-Priority AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setSessionPriority

        void setSessionPriority​(SessionPriority sessionPriority)
        Sets the value of the Session-Priority AVP, of type Enumerated.
        NullPointerException - if sessionPriority is null.
      • removeSessionPriority

        void removeSessionPriority()
        Removes the Session-Priority AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Session-Priority AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • getCallingPartyAddresses

        String[] getCallingPartyAddresses()
        Returns the set of Calling-Party-Address AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Calling-Party-Address AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are String objects.
      • setCallingPartyAddress

        void setCallingPartyAddress​(String callingPartyAddress)
        Sets a single Calling-Party-Address AVP in the IMS-Information AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if callingPartyAddress is null.
      • setCallingPartyAddresses

        void setCallingPartyAddresses​(String[] callingPartyAddresses)
        Sets the set of Calling-Party-Address AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getCallingPartyAddresses() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if callingPartyAddresses is null.
      • removeCallingPartyAddresses

        void removeCallingPartyAddresses()
        Removes all Calling-Party-Address AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no Calling-Party-Address AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • hasCalledPartyAddress

        boolean hasCalledPartyAddress()
        Returns true if the Called-Party-Address AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getCalledPartyAddress

        String getCalledPartyAddress()
        Returns the value of the Called-Party-Address AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the Called-Party-Address AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setCalledPartyAddress

        void setCalledPartyAddress​(String calledPartyAddress)
        Sets the value of the Called-Party-Address AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if calledPartyAddress is null.
      • removeCalledPartyAddress

        void removeCalledPartyAddress()
        Removes the Called-Party-Address AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Called-Party-Address AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • getCalledAssertedIdentitys

        String[] getCalledAssertedIdentitys()
        Returns the set of Called-Asserted-Identity AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Called-Asserted-Identity AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are String objects.
      • setCalledAssertedIdentity

        void setCalledAssertedIdentity​(String calledAssertedIdentity)
        Sets a single Called-Asserted-Identity AVP in the IMS-Information AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if calledAssertedIdentity is null.
      • setCalledAssertedIdentitys

        void setCalledAssertedIdentitys​(String[] calledAssertedIdentitys)
        Sets the set of Called-Asserted-Identity AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getCalledAssertedIdentitys() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if calledAssertedIdentitys is null.
      • removeCalledAssertedIdentitys

        void removeCalledAssertedIdentitys()
        Removes all Called-Asserted-Identity AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no Called-Asserted-Identity AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • hasNumberPortabilityRoutingInformation

        boolean hasNumberPortabilityRoutingInformation()
        Returns true if the Number-Portability-Routing-Information AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getNumberPortabilityRoutingInformation

        String getNumberPortabilityRoutingInformation()
        Returns the value of the Number-Portability-Routing-Information AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the Number-Portability-Routing-Information AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setNumberPortabilityRoutingInformation

        void setNumberPortabilityRoutingInformation​(String numberPortabilityRoutingInformation)
        Sets the value of the Number-Portability-Routing-Information AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if numberPortabilityRoutingInformation is null.
      • removeNumberPortabilityRoutingInformation

        void removeNumberPortabilityRoutingInformation()
        Removes the Number-Portability-Routing-Information AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Number-Portability-Routing-Information AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasCarrierSelectRoutingInformation

        boolean hasCarrierSelectRoutingInformation()
        Returns true if the Carrier-Select-Routing-Information AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getCarrierSelectRoutingInformation

        String getCarrierSelectRoutingInformation()
        Returns the value of the Carrier-Select-Routing-Information AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the Carrier-Select-Routing-Information AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setCarrierSelectRoutingInformation

        void setCarrierSelectRoutingInformation​(String carrierSelectRoutingInformation)
        Sets the value of the Carrier-Select-Routing-Information AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if carrierSelectRoutingInformation is null.
      • removeCarrierSelectRoutingInformation

        void removeCarrierSelectRoutingInformation()
        Removes the Carrier-Select-Routing-Information AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Carrier-Select-Routing-Information AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasAlternateChargedPartyAddress

        boolean hasAlternateChargedPartyAddress()
        Returns true if the Alternate-Charged-Party-Address AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getAlternateChargedPartyAddress

        String getAlternateChargedPartyAddress()
        Returns the value of the Alternate-Charged-Party-Address AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the Alternate-Charged-Party-Address AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setAlternateChargedPartyAddress

        void setAlternateChargedPartyAddress​(String alternateChargedPartyAddress)
        Sets the value of the Alternate-Charged-Party-Address AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if alternateChargedPartyAddress is null.
      • removeAlternateChargedPartyAddress

        void removeAlternateChargedPartyAddress()
        Removes the Alternate-Charged-Party-Address AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Alternate-Charged-Party-Address AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasRequestedPartyAddress

        boolean hasRequestedPartyAddress()
        Returns true if the Requested-Party-Address AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getRequestedPartyAddress

        String getRequestedPartyAddress()
        Returns the value of the Requested-Party-Address AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the Requested-Party-Address AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setRequestedPartyAddress

        void setRequestedPartyAddress​(String requestedPartyAddress)
        Sets the value of the Requested-Party-Address AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if requestedPartyAddress is null.
      • removeRequestedPartyAddress

        void removeRequestedPartyAddress()
        Removes the Requested-Party-Address AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Requested-Party-Address AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • getAssociatedUris

        String[] getAssociatedUris()
        Returns the set of Associated-URI AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Associated-URI AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are String objects.
      • setAssociatedUri

        void setAssociatedUri​(String associatedUri)
        Sets a single Associated-URI AVP in the IMS-Information AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if associatedUri is null.
      • setAssociatedUris

        void setAssociatedUris​(String[] associatedUris)
        Sets the set of Associated-URI AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getAssociatedUris() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if associatedUris is null.
      • removeAssociatedUris

        void removeAssociatedUris()
        Removes all Associated-URI AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no Associated-URI AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • hasTimeStamps

        boolean hasTimeStamps()
        Returns true if the Time-Stamps AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getTimeStamps

        TimeStamps getTimeStamps()
        Returns the value of the Time-Stamps AVP, of type Grouped.
        the value of the Time-Stamps AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setTimeStamps

        void setTimeStamps​(TimeStamps timeStamps)
        Sets the value of the Time-Stamps AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if timeStamps is null.
      • removeTimeStamps

        void removeTimeStamps()
        Removes the Time-Stamps AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Time-Stamps AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • getApplicationServerInformations

        ApplicationServerInformation[] getApplicationServerInformations()
        Returns the set of Application-Server-Information AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Application-Server-Information AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are ApplicationServerInformation objects.
      • setApplicationServerInformation

        void setApplicationServerInformation​(ApplicationServerInformation applicationServerInformation)
        Sets a single Application-Server-Information AVP in the IMS-Information AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if applicationServerInformation is null.
      • setApplicationServerInformations

        void setApplicationServerInformations​(ApplicationServerInformation[] applicationServerInformations)
        Sets the set of Application-Server-Information AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getApplicationServerInformations() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if applicationServerInformations is null.
      • removeApplicationServerInformations

        void removeApplicationServerInformations()
        Removes all Application-Server-Information AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no Application-Server-Information AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • getInterOperatorIdentifiers

        InterOperatorIdentifier[] getInterOperatorIdentifiers()
        Returns the set of Inter-Operator-Identifier AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Inter-Operator-Identifier AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are InterOperatorIdentifier objects.
      • setInterOperatorIdentifier

        void setInterOperatorIdentifier​(InterOperatorIdentifier interOperatorIdentifier)
        Sets a single Inter-Operator-Identifier AVP in the IMS-Information AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if interOperatorIdentifier is null.
      • setInterOperatorIdentifiers

        void setInterOperatorIdentifiers​(InterOperatorIdentifier[] interOperatorIdentifiers)
        Sets the set of Inter-Operator-Identifier AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getInterOperatorIdentifiers() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if interOperatorIdentifiers is null.
      • removeInterOperatorIdentifiers

        void removeInterOperatorIdentifiers()
        Removes all Inter-Operator-Identifier AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no Inter-Operator-Identifier AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • hasImsChargingIdentifier

        boolean hasImsChargingIdentifier()
        Returns true if the IMS-Charging-Identifier AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getImsChargingIdentifier

        String getImsChargingIdentifier()
        Returns the value of the IMS-Charging-Identifier AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the IMS-Charging-Identifier AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setImsChargingIdentifier

        void setImsChargingIdentifier​(String imsChargingIdentifier)
        Sets the value of the IMS-Charging-Identifier AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if imsChargingIdentifier is null.
      • removeImsChargingIdentifier

        void removeImsChargingIdentifier()
        Removes the IMS-Charging-Identifier AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the IMS-Charging-Identifier AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • getSdpSessionDescriptions

        String[] getSdpSessionDescriptions()
        Returns the set of SDP-Session-Description AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no SDP-Session-Description AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are String objects.
      • setSdpSessionDescription

        void setSdpSessionDescription​(String sdpSessionDescription)
        Sets a single SDP-Session-Description AVP in the IMS-Information AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if sdpSessionDescription is null.
      • setSdpSessionDescriptions

        void setSdpSessionDescriptions​(String[] sdpSessionDescriptions)
        Sets the set of SDP-Session-Description AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getSdpSessionDescriptions() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if sdpSessionDescriptions is null.
      • removeSdpSessionDescriptions

        void removeSdpSessionDescriptions()
        Removes all SDP-Session-Description AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no SDP-Session-Description AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • getSdpMediaComponents

        SdpMediaComponent[] getSdpMediaComponents()
        Returns the set of SDP-Media-Component AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no SDP-Media-Component AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are SdpMediaComponent objects.
      • setSdpMediaComponent

        void setSdpMediaComponent​(SdpMediaComponent sdpMediaComponent)
        Sets a single SDP-Media-Component AVP in the IMS-Information AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if sdpMediaComponent is null.
      • setSdpMediaComponents

        void setSdpMediaComponents​(SdpMediaComponent[] sdpMediaComponents)
        Sets the set of SDP-Media-Component AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getSdpMediaComponents() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if sdpMediaComponents is null.
      • removeSdpMediaComponents

        void removeSdpMediaComponents()
        Removes all SDP-Media-Component AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no SDP-Media-Component AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • hasServedPartyIpAddress

        boolean hasServedPartyIpAddress()
        Returns true if the Served-Party-IP-Address AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getServedPartyIpAddress

        Address getServedPartyIpAddress()
        Returns the value of the Served-Party-IP-Address AVP, of type Address.
        the value of the Served-Party-IP-Address AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setServedPartyIpAddress

        void setServedPartyIpAddress​(Address servedPartyIpAddress)
        Sets the value of the Served-Party-IP-Address AVP, of type Address.
        NullPointerException - if servedPartyIpAddress is null.
      • removeServedPartyIpAddress

        void removeServedPartyIpAddress()
        Removes the Served-Party-IP-Address AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Served-Party-IP-Address AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasServerCapabilities

        boolean hasServerCapabilities()
        Returns true if the Server-Capabilities AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getServerCapabilities

        ServerCapabilities getServerCapabilities()
        Returns the value of the Server-Capabilities AVP, of type Grouped.
        the value of the Server-Capabilities AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setServerCapabilities

        void setServerCapabilities​(ServerCapabilities serverCapabilities)
        Sets the value of the Server-Capabilities AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if serverCapabilities is null.
      • removeServerCapabilities

        void removeServerCapabilities()
        Removes the Server-Capabilities AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Server-Capabilities AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasTrunkGroupId

        boolean hasTrunkGroupId()
        Returns true if the Trunk-Group-ID AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getTrunkGroupId

        TrunkGroupId getTrunkGroupId()
        Returns the value of the Trunk-Group-ID AVP, of type Grouped.
        the value of the Trunk-Group-ID AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setTrunkGroupId

        void setTrunkGroupId​(TrunkGroupId trunkGroupId)
        Sets the value of the Trunk-Group-ID AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if trunkGroupId is null.
      • removeTrunkGroupId

        void removeTrunkGroupId()
        Removes the Trunk-Group-ID AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Trunk-Group-ID AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasBearerService

        boolean hasBearerService()
        Returns true if the Bearer-Service AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getBearerService

        byte[] getBearerService()
        Returns the value of the Bearer-Service AVP, of type OctetString.
        the value of the Bearer-Service AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setBearerService

        void setBearerService​(byte[] bearerService)
        Sets the value of the Bearer-Service AVP, of type OctetString.
        NullPointerException - if bearerService is null.
      • removeBearerService

        void removeBearerService()
        Removes the Bearer-Service AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Bearer-Service AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasServiceId

        boolean hasServiceId()
        Returns true if the Service-Id AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getServiceId

        String getServiceId()
        Returns the value of the Service-Id AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the Service-Id AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setServiceId

        void setServiceId​(String serviceId)
        Sets the value of the Service-Id AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if serviceId is null.
      • removeServiceId

        void removeServiceId()
        Removes the Service-Id AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Service-Id AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • getServiceSpecificInfos

        ServiceSpecificInfo[] getServiceSpecificInfos()
        Returns the set of Service-Specific-Info AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Service-Specific-Info AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are ServiceSpecificInfo objects.
      • setServiceSpecificInfo

        void setServiceSpecificInfo​(ServiceSpecificInfo serviceSpecificInfo)
        Sets a single Service-Specific-Info AVP in the IMS-Information AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if serviceSpecificInfo is null.
      • setServiceSpecificInfos

        void setServiceSpecificInfos​(ServiceSpecificInfo[] serviceSpecificInfos)
        Sets the set of Service-Specific-Info AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getServiceSpecificInfos() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if serviceSpecificInfos is null.
      • removeServiceSpecificInfos

        void removeServiceSpecificInfos()
        Removes all Service-Specific-Info AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no Service-Specific-Info AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • getMessageBodys

        MessageBody[] getMessageBodys()
        Returns the set of Message-Body AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Message-Body AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are MessageBody objects.
      • setMessageBody

        void setMessageBody​(MessageBody messageBody)
        Sets a single Message-Body AVP in the IMS-Information AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if messageBody is null.
      • setMessageBodys

        void setMessageBodys​(MessageBody[] messageBodys)
        Sets the set of Message-Body AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getMessageBodys() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if messageBodys is null.
      • removeMessageBodys

        void removeMessageBodys()
        Removes all Message-Body AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no Message-Body AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • hasCauseCode

        boolean hasCauseCode()
        Returns true if the Cause-Code AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getCauseCode

        int getCauseCode()
        Returns the value of the Cause-Code AVP, of type Integer32. Use hasCauseCode() to check the existence of this AVP.
        the value of the Cause-Code AVP
        IllegalStateException - if the Cause-Code AVP has not been set.
      • setCauseCode

        void setCauseCode​(int causeCode)
        Sets the value of the Cause-Code AVP, of type Integer32.
      • removeCauseCode

        void removeCauseCode()
        Removes the Cause-Code AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Cause-Code AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasAccessNetworkInformation

        boolean hasAccessNetworkInformation()
        Returns true if the Access-Network-Information AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getAccessNetworkInformation

        byte[] getAccessNetworkInformation()
        Returns the value of the Access-Network-Information AVP, of type OctetString.
        the value of the Access-Network-Information AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setAccessNetworkInformation

        void setAccessNetworkInformation​(byte[] accessNetworkInformation)
        Sets the value of the Access-Network-Information AVP, of type OctetString.
        NullPointerException - if accessNetworkInformation is null.
      • removeAccessNetworkInformation

        void removeAccessNetworkInformation()
        Removes the Access-Network-Information AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Access-Network-Information AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • getEarlyMediaDescriptions

        EarlyMediaDescription[] getEarlyMediaDescriptions()
        Returns the set of Early-Media-Description AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Early-Media-Description AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are EarlyMediaDescription objects.
      • setEarlyMediaDescription

        void setEarlyMediaDescription​(EarlyMediaDescription earlyMediaDescription)
        Sets a single Early-Media-Description AVP in the IMS-Information AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if earlyMediaDescription is null.
      • setEarlyMediaDescriptions

        void setEarlyMediaDescriptions​(EarlyMediaDescription[] earlyMediaDescriptions)
        Sets the set of Early-Media-Description AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getEarlyMediaDescriptions() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if earlyMediaDescriptions is null.
      • removeEarlyMediaDescriptions

        void removeEarlyMediaDescriptions()
        Removes all Early-Media-Description AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no Early-Media-Description AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • hasImsCommunicationServiceIdentifier

        boolean hasImsCommunicationServiceIdentifier()
        Returns true if the IMS-Communication-Service-Identifier AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getImsCommunicationServiceIdentifier

        String getImsCommunicationServiceIdentifier()
        Returns the value of the IMS-Communication-Service-Identifier AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the IMS-Communication-Service-Identifier AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setImsCommunicationServiceIdentifier

        void setImsCommunicationServiceIdentifier​(String imsCommunicationServiceIdentifier)
        Sets the value of the IMS-Communication-Service-Identifier AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if imsCommunicationServiceIdentifier is null.
      • removeImsCommunicationServiceIdentifier

        void removeImsCommunicationServiceIdentifier()
        Removes the IMS-Communication-Service-Identifier AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the IMS-Communication-Service-Identifier AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasOnlineChargingFlag

        boolean hasOnlineChargingFlag()
        Returns true if the Online-Charging-Flag AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getOnlineChargingFlag

        OnlineChargingFlag getOnlineChargingFlag()
        Returns the value of the Online-Charging-Flag AVP, of type Enumerated.
        the value of the Online-Charging-Flag AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setOnlineChargingFlag

        void setOnlineChargingFlag​(OnlineChargingFlag onlineChargingFlag)
        Sets the value of the Online-Charging-Flag AVP, of type Enumerated.
        NullPointerException - if onlineChargingFlag is null.
      • removeOnlineChargingFlag

        void removeOnlineChargingFlag()
        Removes the Online-Charging-Flag AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Online-Charging-Flag AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasRealTimeTariffInformation

        boolean hasRealTimeTariffInformation()
        Returns true if the Real-Time-Tariff-Information AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getRealTimeTariffInformation

        RealTimeTariffInformation getRealTimeTariffInformation()
        Returns the value of the Real-Time-Tariff-Information AVP, of type Grouped.
        the value of the Real-Time-Tariff-Information AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setRealTimeTariffInformation

        void setRealTimeTariffInformation​(RealTimeTariffInformation realTimeTariffInformation)
        Sets the value of the Real-Time-Tariff-Information AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if realTimeTariffInformation is null.
      • removeRealTimeTariffInformation

        void removeRealTimeTariffInformation()
        Removes the Real-Time-Tariff-Information AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Real-Time-Tariff-Information AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasAccountExpiration

        boolean hasAccountExpiration()
        Returns true if the Account-Expiration AVP is present in the IMS-Information AVP.
      • getAccountExpiration

        Date getAccountExpiration()
        Returns the value of the Account-Expiration AVP, of type Time.
        the value of the Account-Expiration AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setAccountExpiration

        void setAccountExpiration​(Date accountExpiration)
        Sets the value of the Account-Expiration AVP, of type Time.
        NullPointerException - if accountExpiration is null.
      • removeAccountExpiration

        void removeAccountExpiration()
        Removes the Account-Expiration AVP from the IMS-Information AVP. If the Account-Expiration AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • getExtensionAvps

        DiameterAvp[] getExtensionAvps()
        Returns the set of extension AVPs. The returned array contains the extension AVPs in the order they appear in the IMS-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no extensions AVPs have been set.
      • setExtensionAvps

        void setExtensionAvps​(DiameterAvp[] avps)
                       throws AvpNotAllowedException
        Sets the set of extension AVPs with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to IMS-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getExtensionAvps() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        AvpNotAllowedException - if an AVP is encountered of a type already known to this class (i.e. an AVP for which get/set methods already appear in this class)
        NullPointerException - if avps is null.
      • removeExtensionAvps

        void removeExtensionAvps()
        Removes all extension AVPs from the IMS-Information AVP. If no extension AVPs are present, this method returns silently.