Interface CreditControlMessage

    • Method Detail

      • hasSessionId

        boolean hasSessionId()
        Returns true if the Session-Id AVP is present in the message.
      • getSessionId

        String getSessionId()
        Returns the value of the Session-Id AVP, of type UTF8String.
        Specified by:
        getSessionId in interface DiameterMessage
        the value of the Session-Id AVP or null if it has not been set on this message
      • hasOriginHost

        boolean hasOriginHost()
        Returns true if the Origin-Host AVP is present in the message.
      • getOriginHost

        DiameterIdentity getOriginHost()
        Returns the value of the Origin-Host AVP, of type DiameterIdentity.
        Specified by:
        getOriginHost in interface DiameterMessage
        the value of the Origin-Host AVP or null if it has not been set on this message
      • hasOriginRealm

        boolean hasOriginRealm()
        Returns true if the Origin-Realm AVP is present in the message.
      • getOriginRealm

        DiameterIdentity getOriginRealm()
        Returns the value of the Origin-Realm AVP, of type DiameterIdentity.
        Specified by:
        getOriginRealm in interface DiameterMessage
        the value of the Origin-Realm AVP or null if it has not been set on this message
      • hasAuthApplicationId

        boolean hasAuthApplicationId()
        Returns true if the Auth-Application-Id AVP is present in the message.
      • getAuthApplicationId

        long getAuthApplicationId()
        Returns the value of the Auth-Application-Id AVP, of type Unsigned32. Use hasAuthApplicationId() to check the existence of this AVP.
        the value of the Auth-Application-Id AVP
        IllegalStateException - if the Auth-Application-Id AVP has not been set on this message
      • setAuthApplicationId

        void setAuthApplicationId​(long authApplicationId)
        Sets the value of the Auth-Application-Id AVP, of type Unsigned32.
        IllegalStateException - if setAuthApplicationId has already been called
      • hasCcRequestType

        boolean hasCcRequestType()
        Returns true if the CC-Request-Type AVP is present in the message.
      • getCcRequestType

        CcRequestType getCcRequestType()
        Returns the value of the CC-Request-Type AVP, of type Enumerated.
        the value of the CC-Request-Type AVP or null if it has not been set on this message
      • setCcRequestType

        void setCcRequestType​(CcRequestType ccRequestType)
        Sets the value of the CC-Request-Type AVP, of type Enumerated.
        IllegalStateException - if setCcRequestType has already been called
      • hasCcRequestNumber

        boolean hasCcRequestNumber()
        Returns true if the CC-Request-Number AVP is present in the message.
      • getCcRequestNumber

        long getCcRequestNumber()
        Returns the value of the CC-Request-Number AVP, of type Unsigned32. Use hasCcRequestNumber() to check the existence of this AVP.
        the value of the CC-Request-Number AVP
        IllegalStateException - if the CC-Request-Number AVP has not been set on this message
      • setCcRequestNumber

        void setCcRequestNumber​(long ccRequestNumber)
        Sets the value of the CC-Request-Number AVP, of type Unsigned32.
        IllegalStateException - if setCcRequestNumber has already been called
      • getProxyInfos

        ProxyInfo[] getProxyInfos()
        Returns the set of Proxy-Info AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the message. A return value of null implies that no Proxy-Info AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are ProxyInfo objects.
      • setProxyInfo

        void setProxyInfo​(ProxyInfo proxyInfo)
        Sets a single Proxy-Info AVP in the message, of type Grouped.
        IllegalStateException - if setProxyInfo or setProxyInfos has already been called
      • setProxyInfos

        void setProxyInfos​(ProxyInfo[] proxyInfos)
        Sets the set of Proxy-Info AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to message in the order in which they appear in the array.

        Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getProxyInfos() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.

        IllegalStateException - if setProxyInfo or setProxyInfos has already been called
      • getRouteRecords

        DiameterIdentity[] getRouteRecords()
        Returns the set of Route-Record AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the message. A return value of null implies that no Route-Record AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are DiameterIdentity objects.
      • setRouteRecord

        void setRouteRecord​(DiameterIdentity routeRecord)
        Sets a single Route-Record AVP in the message, of type DiameterIdentity.
        IllegalStateException - if setRouteRecord or setRouteRecords has already been called
      • setRouteRecords

        void setRouteRecords​(DiameterIdentity[] routeRecords)
        Sets the set of Route-Record AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to message in the order in which they appear in the array.

        Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getRouteRecords() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.

        IllegalStateException - if setRouteRecord or setRouteRecords has already been called