Sample MMLs for configuring backends

Below are three sample TCAP backend configurations.


EXEC="/home/omni/backends/ -logfile /var/log/rhino/backend_146_1.%P.log -node rhino -lssn 146 -port 11146";

Configures a backend that:

  • is managed by the Signalware process-management system

  • executes on CE turbine2 with process name backend_146_1, UID 101, GID 101

  • receives traffic for SS7 node rhino on SSN 146

  • listens for frontend connections on TCP port 11146

  • logs to a file named /var/log/rhino/backend_146_1.<pid>.log, with the appropriate backend PID substituted.


EXEC="/home/omni/backends/ -logpipe /usr/local/bin/cronolog /var/log/rhino/backend_146_2.%%Y%%m%%d.log -- -node rhino -lssn 146 -port 12146 -trace";

Configures a backend that:

  • is managed by the Signalware process management system

  • executes on CE turbine2 with process name backend_146_2, UID 101, GID 101

  • receives traffic for SS7 node rhino on SSN 146

  • listens for frontend connections on TCP port 12146

  • logs tracing of TCAP components sent and received

  • pipes log output to the command /usr/local/bin/cronolog /var/log/rhino/backend_146_2.%Y%m%d.log, providing log rollover to a series of date-based logs.


To include a literal % character in the arguments to cronolog, it must be specified as %% in the argument given to -logpipe.

The cronolog command line must be ended with --.

For more about cronolog, see


EXEC="/home/omni/backends/ -logfile /var/log/rhino/backend_147.log -node rhino -lssn 147 -port 11147 -backup turbine4.backend_147";
EXEC="/home/omni/backends/ -logfile /var/log/rhino/backend_147.log -node rhino -lssn 147 -port 11147 -backup turbine2.backend_147";

Configures a backend that:

  • execute on different CEs

  • use the same TCP port and process name (acceptable, as they are on different CEs)

  • specify each other as backups, to provide dialog recovery if one CE fails.

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