Class MAPProvideSubscriberLocation_Arg

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DataObject, Serializable

    public class MAPProvideSubscriberLocation_Arg
    extends AbstractFieldsObject
    API for MAP-LCS-DataTypes.ProvideSubscriberLocation-Arg. Generated from the following ASN.1 type definition.
     ProvideSubscriberLocation-Arg ::=
         SEQUENCE {
             locationType               LocationType,
             mlc-Number                 ISDN-AddressString,
             lcs-ClientID               LCS-ClientID OPTIONAL,
             privacyOverride            NULL OPTIONAL,
             imsi                       IMSI OPTIONAL,
             msisdn                     ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL,
             lmsi                       LMSI OPTIONAL,
             imei                       IMEI OPTIONAL,
             lcs-Priority               LCS-Priority OPTIONAL,
             lcs-QoS                    LCS-QoS OPTIONAL,
             extensionContainer         ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
             supportedGADShapes         SupportedGADShapes OPTIONAL,  -- Added in R99.
             lcs-ReferenceNumber        LCS-ReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, -- Added in release 4.
             lcsServiceTypeID           LCSServiceTypeID OPTIONAL,    -- Added in release 5.
             lcsCodeword                LCSCodeword OPTIONAL,         -- Added in release 5.
             lcs-PrivacyCheck           LCS-PrivacyCheck OPTIONAL,    -- Added in release 6.
             areaEventInfo              AreaEventInfo OPTIONAL,       -- Added in release 6.
             h-gmlc-Address             GSN-Address OPTIONAL,         -- Added in release 6.
             mo-lrShortCircuitIndicator NULL OPTIONAL,                -- Added in release 7.
             periodicLDRInfo            PeriodicLDRInfo OPTIONAL,     -- Added in release 7.
             reportingPLMNList          ReportingPLMNList OPTIONAL    -- Added in release 7.
    Added in R98. One of imsi or msisdn is mandatory. If a location estimate type indicates activate deferred location or cancel deferred location, a lcs-Reference number shall be included. Exception handling: a ProvideSubscriberLocation-Arg containing an unrecognized LocationEstimateType shall be rejected by the receiver with a return error cause of unexpected data value. beingInsideArea is always treated as oneTimeEvent regardless of the possible value of occurrenceInfo inside areaEventInfo. Exception handling: a ProvideSubscriberLocation-Arg containing other values than listed above in DeferredLocationEventType shall be rejected by the receiver with a return error cause of unexpected data value. Exception handling: a ProvideSubscriberLocation-Arg containing an unrecognized PrivacyCheckRelatedAction shall be rejected by the receiver with a return error cause of unexpected data value.

    Used as argument type by MAPOperations.provideSubscriberLocation.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MAPProvideSubscriberLocation_Arg

        public MAPProvideSubscriberLocation_Arg()
        Constructs an object with uninitialised state.
    • Method Detail

      • copyOf

        public static MAPProvideSubscriberLocation_Arg copyOf​(MAPProvideSubscriberLocation_Arg from)
        Creates a new object of this type, cloning the values of common fields from the given object of any subclass of the same base type.
        from - the object from which to copy
      • getAreaEventInfo

        public MAPAreaEventInfo getAreaEventInfo()
        Gets the value of the field areaEventInfo.
        value of field areaEventInfo, or null if not present
      • getExtensionContainer

        public MAPExtensionContainer getExtensionContainer()
        Gets the value of the field extensionContainer.
        value of field extensionContainer, or null if not present
      • getFieldAccessors

        public static FieldAccessor[] getFieldAccessors()
        Gets a new array of the accessors for fields of this type.
      • getFieldsMap

        public Map<String,​Object> getFieldsMap​(boolean withAbsents)
        Gets a Map from field-name to field-value. For a field of primitive type, the field-value is boxed. For an absent optional field, the field-value is AbstractFieldsObject.FIELD_ABSENT. For an unitialised mandatory field, the field-value is AbstractFieldsObject.FIELD_UNINITIALISED.
        Specified by:
        getFieldsMap in class AbstractFieldsObject
        withAbsents - whether to put absent optional fields into Map
        Map from field-name to field-value
      • getH_gmlc_Address

        public GSNAddress getH_gmlc_Address()
        Gets the value of the field h-gmlc-Address.
        value of field h-gmlc-Address, or null if not present
      • getImei

        public IMEIAddress getImei()
        Gets the value of the field imei.
        value of field imei, or null if not present
      • getImsi

        public IMSIAddress getImsi()
        Gets the value of the field imsi.
        value of field imsi, or null if not present
      • getLcsCodeword

        public MAPLCSCodeword getLcsCodeword()
        Gets the value of the field lcsCodeword.
        value of field lcsCodeword, or null if not present
      • getLcsServiceTypeID

        public int getLcsServiceTypeID()
        Gets the value of the field lcsServiceTypeID.
        value of field lcsServiceTypeID
      • getLcs_ClientID

        public MAPLCS_ClientID getLcs_ClientID()
        Gets the value of the field lcs-ClientID.
        value of field lcs-ClientID, or null if not present
      • getLcs_Priority

        public byte[] getLcs_Priority()
        Gets the value of the field lcs-Priority.
        value of field lcs-Priority, or null if not present
      • getLcs_PrivacyCheck

        public MAPLCS_PrivacyCheck getLcs_PrivacyCheck()
        Gets the value of the field lcs-PrivacyCheck.
        value of field lcs-PrivacyCheck, or null if not present
      • getLcs_QoS

        public MAPLCS_QoS getLcs_QoS()
        Gets the value of the field lcs-QoS.
        value of field lcs-QoS, or null if not present
      • getLcs_ReferenceNumber

        public byte[] getLcs_ReferenceNumber()
        Gets the value of the field lcs-ReferenceNumber.
        value of field lcs-ReferenceNumber, or null if not present
      • getLmsi

        public LMSIAddress getLmsi()
        Gets the value of the field lmsi.
        value of field lmsi, or null if not present
      • getLocationType

        public MAPLocationType getLocationType()
        Gets the value of the field locationType.
        value of field locationType, or null if not present
      • getMlc_Number

        public AddressString getMlc_Number()
        Gets the value of the field mlc-Number.
        value of field mlc-Number, or null if not present
      • getMsisdn

        public AddressString getMsisdn()
        Gets the value of the field msisdn.
        value of field msisdn, or null if not present
      • getPeriodicLDRInfo

        public MAPPeriodicLDRInfo getPeriodicLDRInfo()
        Gets the value of the field periodicLDRInfo.
        value of field periodicLDRInfo, or null if not present
      • getReportingPLMNList

        public MAPReportingPLMNList getReportingPLMNList()
        Gets the value of the field reportingPLMNList.
        value of field reportingPLMNList, or null if not present
      • getSupportedGADShapes

        public MAPSupportedGADShapes getSupportedGADShapes()
        Gets the value of the field supportedGADShapes.
        value of field supportedGADShapes, or null if not present
      • hasAreaEventInfo

        public boolean hasAreaEventInfo()
        Tests whether the field areaEventInfo has a value.
        whether the field areaEventInfo has a value
      • hasExtensionContainer

        public boolean hasExtensionContainer()
        Tests whether the field extensionContainer has a value.
        whether the field extensionContainer has a value
      • hasH_gmlc_Address

        public boolean hasH_gmlc_Address()
        Tests whether the field h-gmlc-Address has a value.
        whether the field h-gmlc-Address has a value
      • hasImei

        public boolean hasImei()
        Tests whether the field imei has a value.
        whether the field imei has a value
      • hasImsi

        public boolean hasImsi()
        Tests whether the field imsi has a value.
        whether the field imsi has a value
      • hasLcsCodeword

        public boolean hasLcsCodeword()
        Tests whether the field lcsCodeword has a value.
        whether the field lcsCodeword has a value
      • hasLcsServiceTypeID

        public boolean hasLcsServiceTypeID()
        Tests whether the field lcsServiceTypeID has a value.
        whether the field lcsServiceTypeID has a value
      • hasLcs_ClientID

        public boolean hasLcs_ClientID()
        Tests whether the field lcs-ClientID has a value.
        whether the field lcs-ClientID has a value
      • hasLcs_Priority

        public boolean hasLcs_Priority()
        Tests whether the field lcs-Priority has a value.
        whether the field lcs-Priority has a value
      • hasLcs_PrivacyCheck

        public boolean hasLcs_PrivacyCheck()
        Tests whether the field lcs-PrivacyCheck has a value.
        whether the field lcs-PrivacyCheck has a value
      • hasLcs_QoS

        public boolean hasLcs_QoS()
        Tests whether the field lcs-QoS has a value.
        whether the field lcs-QoS has a value
      • hasLcs_ReferenceNumber

        public boolean hasLcs_ReferenceNumber()
        Tests whether the field lcs-ReferenceNumber has a value.
        whether the field lcs-ReferenceNumber has a value
      • hasLmsi

        public boolean hasLmsi()
        Tests whether the field lmsi has a value.
        whether the field lmsi has a value
      • hasLocationType

        public boolean hasLocationType()
        Tests whether the field locationType has a value.
        whether the field locationType has a value
      • hasMlc_Number

        public boolean hasMlc_Number()
        Tests whether the field mlc-Number has a value.
        whether the field mlc-Number has a value
      • hasMo_lrShortCircuitIndicator

        public boolean hasMo_lrShortCircuitIndicator()
        Tests whether the field mo-lrShortCircuitIndicator is present.
        whether the field mo-lrShortCircuitIndicator is present
      • hasMsisdn

        public boolean hasMsisdn()
        Tests whether the field msisdn has a value.
        whether the field msisdn has a value
      • hasPeriodicLDRInfo

        public boolean hasPeriodicLDRInfo()
        Tests whether the field periodicLDRInfo has a value.
        whether the field periodicLDRInfo has a value
      • hasPrivacyOverride

        public boolean hasPrivacyOverride()
        Tests whether the field privacyOverride is present.
        whether the field privacyOverride is present
      • hasReportingPLMNList

        public boolean hasReportingPLMNList()
        Tests whether the field reportingPLMNList has a value.
        whether the field reportingPLMNList has a value
      • hasSupportedGADShapes

        public boolean hasSupportedGADShapes()
        Tests whether the field supportedGADShapes has a value.
        whether the field supportedGADShapes has a value
      • setLcsServiceTypeIDPresent

        public MAPProvideSubscriberLocation_Arg setLcsServiceTypeIDPresent​(boolean flag)
                                                                    throws IllegalStateException
        Sets the presence or absence of the optional field lcsServiceTypeID.
        flag - either true if the field should be marked as present or false if the field should be marked as absent
        IllegalStateException - if this instance has been marked as read-only
      • setMo_lrShortCircuitIndicatorPresent

        public MAPProvideSubscriberLocation_Arg setMo_lrShortCircuitIndicatorPresent​(boolean flag)
                                                                              throws IllegalStateException
        Sets the presence or absence of the optional field mo-lrShortCircuitIndicator.
        flag - either true if the field should be marked as present or false if the field should be marked as absent
        IllegalStateException - if this instance has been marked as read-only
      • setPrivacyOverridePresent

        public MAPProvideSubscriberLocation_Arg setPrivacyOverridePresent​(boolean flag)
                                                                   throws IllegalStateException
        Sets the presence or absence of the optional field privacyOverride.
        flag - either true if the field should be marked as present or false if the field should be marked as absent
        IllegalStateException - if this instance has been marked as read-only