Class MAPAnyTimeSubscriptionInterrogationRes

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DataObject, Serializable

    public class MAPAnyTimeSubscriptionInterrogationRes
    extends AbstractFieldsObject
    API for MAP-MS-DataTypes.AnyTimeSubscriptionInterrogationRes. Generated from the following ASN.1 type definition.
     AnyTimeSubscriptionInterrogationRes ::=
         SEQUENCE {
             callForwardingData         CallForwardingData OPTIONAL,
             callBarringData            CallBarringData OPTIONAL,
             odb-Info                   ODB-Info OPTIONAL,
             camel-SubscriptionInfo     CAMEL-SubscriptionInfo OPTIONAL,
             supportedVLR-CAMEL-Phases  SupportedCamelPhases OPTIONAL,
             supportedSGSN-CAMEL-Phases SupportedCamelPhases OPTIONAL,
             extensionContainer         ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
             offeredCamel4CSIsInVLR     OfferedCamel4CSIs OPTIONAL,        -- Added in release 5.
             offeredCamel4CSIsInSGSN    OfferedCamel4CSIs OPTIONAL,        -- Added in release 5.
             msisdn-BS-List             MSISDN-BS-List OPTIONAL,           -- Added in release 7.
             csg-SubscriptionDataList   CSG-SubscriptionDataList OPTIONAL, -- Added in release 9.
             cw-Data                    CallWaitingData OPTIONAL,          -- Added in release 10.
             ch-Data                    CallHoldData OPTIONAL,             -- Added in release 10.
             clip-Data                  ClipData OPTIONAL,                 -- Added in release 10.
             clir-Data                  ClirData OPTIONAL,                 -- Added in release 10.
             ect-data                   EctData OPTIONAL                   -- Added in release 10.
    Added in R99.

    Used as result type by MAPOperations.anyTimeSubscriptionInterrogation.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MAPAnyTimeSubscriptionInterrogationRes

        public MAPAnyTimeSubscriptionInterrogationRes()
        Constructs an object with uninitialised state.
    • Method Detail

      • getCallBarringData

        public MAPCallBarringData getCallBarringData()
        Gets the value of the field callBarringData.
        value of field callBarringData, or null if not present
      • getCallForwardingData

        public MAPCallForwardingData getCallForwardingData()
        Gets the value of the field callForwardingData.
        value of field callForwardingData, or null if not present
      • getCamel_SubscriptionInfo

        public MAPCAMEL_SubscriptionInfo getCamel_SubscriptionInfo()
        Gets the value of the field camel-SubscriptionInfo.
        value of field camel-SubscriptionInfo, or null if not present
      • getCh_Data

        public MAPCallHoldData getCh_Data()
        Gets the value of the field ch-Data.
        value of field ch-Data, or null if not present
      • getClip_Data

        public MAPClipData getClip_Data()
        Gets the value of the field clip-Data.
        value of field clip-Data, or null if not present
      • getClir_Data

        public MAPClirData getClir_Data()
        Gets the value of the field clir-Data.
        value of field clir-Data, or null if not present
      • getCsg_SubscriptionDataList

        public MAPCSG_SubscriptionData[] getCsg_SubscriptionDataList()
        Gets the value of the field csg-SubscriptionDataList.
        value of field csg-SubscriptionDataList, or null if not present
      • getCw_Data

        public MAPCallWaitingData getCw_Data()
        Gets the value of the field cw-Data.
        value of field cw-Data, or null if not present
      • getEct_data

        public MAPEctData getEct_data()
        Gets the value of the field ect-data.
        value of field ect-data, or null if not present
      • getExtensionContainer

        public MAPExtensionContainer getExtensionContainer()
        Gets the value of the field extensionContainer.
        value of field extensionContainer, or null if not present
      • getFieldAccessors

        public static FieldAccessor[] getFieldAccessors()
        Gets a new array of the accessors for fields of this type.
      • getFieldsMap

        public Map<String,​Object> getFieldsMap​(boolean withAbsents)
        Gets a Map from field-name to field-value. For a field of primitive type, the field-value is boxed. For an absent optional field, the field-value is AbstractFieldsObject.FIELD_ABSENT. For an unitialised mandatory field, the field-value is AbstractFieldsObject.FIELD_UNINITIALISED.
        Specified by:
        getFieldsMap in class AbstractFieldsObject
        withAbsents - whether to put absent optional fields into Map
        Map from field-name to field-value
      • getMsisdn_BS_List

        public MAPMSISDN_BS[] getMsisdn_BS_List()
        Gets the value of the field msisdn-BS-List.
        value of field msisdn-BS-List, or null if not present
      • getOdb_Info

        public MAPODB_Info getOdb_Info()
        Gets the value of the field odb-Info.
        value of field odb-Info, or null if not present
      • getOfferedCamel4CSIsInSGSN

        public MAPOfferedCamel4CSIs getOfferedCamel4CSIsInSGSN()
        Gets the value of the field offeredCamel4CSIsInSGSN.
        value of field offeredCamel4CSIsInSGSN, or null if not present
      • getOfferedCamel4CSIsInVLR

        public MAPOfferedCamel4CSIs getOfferedCamel4CSIsInVLR()
        Gets the value of the field offeredCamel4CSIsInVLR.
        value of field offeredCamel4CSIsInVLR, or null if not present
      • getSupportedSGSN_CAMEL_Phases

        public MAPSupportedCamelPhases getSupportedSGSN_CAMEL_Phases()
        Gets the value of the field supportedSGSN-CAMEL-Phases.
        value of field supportedSGSN-CAMEL-Phases, or null if not present
      • getSupportedVLR_CAMEL_Phases

        public MAPSupportedCamelPhases getSupportedVLR_CAMEL_Phases()
        Gets the value of the field supportedVLR-CAMEL-Phases.
        value of field supportedVLR-CAMEL-Phases, or null if not present
      • hasCallBarringData

        public boolean hasCallBarringData()
        Tests whether the field callBarringData has a value.
        whether the field callBarringData has a value
      • hasCallForwardingData

        public boolean hasCallForwardingData()
        Tests whether the field callForwardingData has a value.
        whether the field callForwardingData has a value
      • hasCamel_SubscriptionInfo

        public boolean hasCamel_SubscriptionInfo()
        Tests whether the field camel-SubscriptionInfo has a value.
        whether the field camel-SubscriptionInfo has a value
      • hasCh_Data

        public boolean hasCh_Data()
        Tests whether the field ch-Data has a value.
        whether the field ch-Data has a value
      • hasClip_Data

        public boolean hasClip_Data()
        Tests whether the field clip-Data has a value.
        whether the field clip-Data has a value
      • hasClir_Data

        public boolean hasClir_Data()
        Tests whether the field clir-Data has a value.
        whether the field clir-Data has a value
      • hasCsg_SubscriptionDataList

        public boolean hasCsg_SubscriptionDataList()
        Tests whether the field csg-SubscriptionDataList has a value.
        whether the field csg-SubscriptionDataList has a value
      • hasCw_Data

        public boolean hasCw_Data()
        Tests whether the field cw-Data has a value.
        whether the field cw-Data has a value
      • hasEct_data

        public boolean hasEct_data()
        Tests whether the field ect-data has a value.
        whether the field ect-data has a value
      • hasExtensionContainer

        public boolean hasExtensionContainer()
        Tests whether the field extensionContainer has a value.
        whether the field extensionContainer has a value
      • hasMsisdn_BS_List

        public boolean hasMsisdn_BS_List()
        Tests whether the field msisdn-BS-List has a value.
        whether the field msisdn-BS-List has a value
      • hasOdb_Info

        public boolean hasOdb_Info()
        Tests whether the field odb-Info has a value.
        whether the field odb-Info has a value
      • hasOfferedCamel4CSIsInSGSN

        public boolean hasOfferedCamel4CSIsInSGSN()
        Tests whether the field offeredCamel4CSIsInSGSN has a value.
        whether the field offeredCamel4CSIsInSGSN has a value
      • hasOfferedCamel4CSIsInVLR

        public boolean hasOfferedCamel4CSIsInVLR()
        Tests whether the field offeredCamel4CSIsInVLR has a value.
        whether the field offeredCamel4CSIsInVLR has a value
      • hasSupportedSGSN_CAMEL_Phases

        public boolean hasSupportedSGSN_CAMEL_Phases()
        Tests whether the field supportedSGSN-CAMEL-Phases has a value.
        whether the field supportedSGSN-CAMEL-Phases has a value
      • hasSupportedVLR_CAMEL_Phases

        public boolean hasSupportedVLR_CAMEL_Phases()
        Tests whether the field supportedVLR-CAMEL-Phases has a value.
        whether the field supportedVLR-CAMEL-Phases has a value