Class MAPSendRoutingInformationArg

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DataObject, Serializable

    public class MAPSendRoutingInformationArg
    extends AbstractFieldsObject
    API for MAP-CH-DataTypes-ph1.SendRoutingInformationArg. Generated from the following ASN.1 type definition.
     SendRoutingInformationArg ::=
         SEQUENCE {
             msIsdn             ISDN-AddressString,
             cug-Interlock      CUG-Interlock OPTIONAL,
             numberOfForwarding NumberOfForwarding OPTIONAL,
             networkSignalInfo  ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL  -- If available from the network the ISDN Bearer Capabilities and the ISDN High Layer Compatibility and Low Layer Compatibility information elements are included in the networkSignalInfo parameter.  The information is passed according to the rules specified in GSM 09.07.
    Present in ph1. Removed between ph1 and ph2.

    Used as argument type by MAPOperations.sendRoutingInformation_v1.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MAPSendRoutingInformationArg

        public MAPSendRoutingInformationArg()
        Constructs an object with uninitialised state.
    • Method Detail

      • copyOf

        public static MAPSendRoutingInformationArg copyOf​(MAPSendRoutingInformationArg from)
        Creates a new object of this type, cloning the values of common fields from the given object of any subclass of the same base type.
        from - the object from which to copy
      • getCug_Interlock

        public CUGInterLockCode getCug_Interlock()
        Gets the value of the field cug-Interlock.
        value of field cug-Interlock, or null if not present
      • getFieldAccessors

        public static FieldAccessor[] getFieldAccessors()
        Gets a new array of the accessors for fields of this type.
      • getFieldsMap

        public Map<String,​Object> getFieldsMap​(boolean withAbsents)
        Gets a Map from field-name to field-value. For a field of primitive type, the field-value is boxed. For an absent optional field, the field-value is AbstractFieldsObject.FIELD_ABSENT. For an unitialised mandatory field, the field-value is AbstractFieldsObject.FIELD_UNINITIALISED.
        Specified by:
        getFieldsMap in class AbstractFieldsObject
        withAbsents - whether to put absent optional fields into Map
        Map from field-name to field-value
      • getMsIsdn

        public AddressString getMsIsdn()
        Gets the value of the field msIsdn.
        value of field msIsdn, or null if not present
      • getNetworkSignalInfo

        public MAPExternalSignalInfo getNetworkSignalInfo()
        Gets the value of the field networkSignalInfo.
        value of field networkSignalInfo, or null if not present
      • getNumberOfForwarding

        public int getNumberOfForwarding()
        Gets the value of the field numberOfForwarding.
        value of field numberOfForwarding
      • hasCug_Interlock

        public boolean hasCug_Interlock()
        Tests whether the field cug-Interlock has a value.
        whether the field cug-Interlock has a value
      • hasMsIsdn

        public boolean hasMsIsdn()
        Tests whether the field msIsdn has a value.
        whether the field msIsdn has a value
      • hasNetworkSignalInfo

        public boolean hasNetworkSignalInfo()
        Tests whether the field networkSignalInfo has a value.
        whether the field networkSignalInfo has a value
      • hasNumberOfForwarding

        public boolean hasNumberOfForwarding()
        Tests whether the field numberOfForwarding has a value.
        whether the field numberOfForwarding has a value
      • setNumberOfForwardingPresent

        public MAPSendRoutingInformationArg setNumberOfForwardingPresent​(boolean flag)
                                                                  throws IllegalStateException
        Sets the presence or absence of the optional field numberOfForwarding.
        flag - either true if the field should be marked as present or false if the field should be marked as absent
        IllegalStateException - if this instance has been marked as read-only