Package com.opencloud.slee.resources.cgin.cap_v4.metadata

Contains metadata classes describing the supported operations, errors, and application contexts of the CAP v4 protocol.

See: Description

Package com.opencloud.slee.resources.cgin.cap_v4.metadata Description

Contains metadata classes describing the supported operations, errors, and application contexts of the CAP v4 protocol.

Supported Application Contexts

The CAP v4 API supports all application contexts defined in the specification, except for cap-gprssf-scfAC and cap-gsmscf-gprsssfAC, which are supported by the CAP v3 API. See CAP4ApplicationContexts for an exhaustive list, and the corresponding supported operations for each application context.

Supported Operations

Operations defined as extensions of CAP v3:

Additionally, the CAP4 API defines some new operations that are specific to CAP v4 and not present in the parent APIs. These operations are top-level operations and do not have parents, and use a new event type within the CAP4 API to fire that operation request (and, optionally, result) to SLEE services. See the individual operation descriptions for details: