Create and start resource adaptor entities

To run the ITU TCAP simulator:


Create and start all resource adaptor entities required to create the mesh.


Ensure that all simulators have completely created their connections before trying to use them.

Warning Otherwise, exceptions may be thrown by simulators that haven’t yet been able to complete all of their connections.


Use the simulated ITU TCAP stack just as you would normally use the CGIN unified resource adaptor.

Tip No modifications to services are necessary.

Starting the simulated ITU TCAP stack with other tools

To start the simulated ITU TCAP stack, the ITU TCAP simulator just needs the ITU TCAP simulator resource adaptor entity parameters. You can use any tools that work to:


Create a properties file with the required simulated ITU TCAP properties.


Pass this file to the create-local-endpoint command in the Scenario Simulator.


For more information, see the Scenario Simulator User Guide.

For example Appendix A. Full Command Listing documents the following command:

"create-local-endpoint": Creates (or re-creates) a local endpoint using the
        address of the given endpoint
    Usage: create-local-endpoint <endpoint-name> <protocol-adaptor-type>
        [-propsfile properties-file]
         -propsfile - Configuration properties for the endpoint
    Example: create-local-endpoint theSwitch cgin -propsfile
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