Below are overviews of how to deploy the CDR Resource Adaptor, its output format, and how to force immediate deactivation of a CDR resource adaptor entity.

Deploying the CDR Resource Adaptor

The CDR Resource Adaptor comes packaged in a deployable unit, cdr-ra-du-VERSION.jar. The CDR resource adaptor type is packaged in cdr-ratype-VERSION.du.jar

The resource adaptor has two dependencies, both delivered as part of distribution package, in the du subdirectory:

  • the CDR Stream Configuration profile, with profile deployable unit cdr-profile-spec-VERSION.du.jar

  • the Google Protocol Buffers library, with protobuf deployable unit protobuf-library-VERSION.du.jar

…​ where VERSION represents the version of the CDR resource adaptor.

The CDR resource adaptor does not come with a deployment script. Instead, an example service, distributed as part of the CDR resource adaptor package, includes a script that installs and configures the resource adaptor for that example. Developers and administrators should refer to the example script for the exact steps and adjust them to their own needs.

Basic deployment procedure

Deploying the CDR Resource Adaptor includes these steps:

  1. Deploy the Google Protocol Buffers library.

  2. Deploy the CDR resource adaptor type.

  3. Deploy the CDR profile specification.

  4. Deploy the CDR Resource Adaptor.

  5. Create a CDR Stream Configuration profile table.

  6. Create at least a single profile in the CDR Stream Configuration profile table.

  7. Create a CDR resource adaptor entity.

  8. Bind the CDR resource adaptor entity to a link name expected by the service.

Output format

A CDR resource adaptor entity can be configured to produce either binary or text CDR files.

Binary output format Text output format

Defined in the Google Protocol Buffers definition CdrFileFormat.proto
(in the CDR Resource Adaptor package, under etc/).

CdrFileFormat.proto defines a list of records, where a record is one of:

  • Header

  • FieldDescriptor

  • MessageDescriptor

  • BinaryCdr

  • StringCdr

  • Footer

  • Timestamp

  • ExtensionDescriptor

The format of a text CDR file consists of:

  • an optional one-line header containing the creation time of the CDR file (if Header is True)

  • zero or more CDRs, one per line

  • an optional one-line footer containing the completion time of the CDR file (if Footer is True).

All lines end with the platform-default line ending (LF \n on Unix, CRLF \r\n on Windows).

The format of an individual CDR is controlled by the calling service.

Immediate deactivation of a resource adaptor entity

When deactivated, a CDR resource adaptor entity remains in the STOPPING state until all pending CDRs are written and the CDR files are completed and archived. If you need a faster shutdown, you can administratively remove the "CDR deactivation guard activities" (listed using the findactivities rhino-console command), to force the resource adaptor to transition to the INACTIVE state immediately.

Warning If the node exits for any reason before the write/archive process completes, partial CDR files needing manual recovery may be left behind.
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