To install the Rhino SIP servlet:


Check the system requirements:

  • OpenCloud Rhino SLEE 3.0.x or later (SDK or Production)

  • Java SDK 11

  • Apache Ant 1.10


Extract the Rhino SIP Servlet package:

  • Extract the sipservlet-<version>.zip file into the base directory of a Rhino (SDK or Production) installation.

    This creates a sipservlet-<version> directory under the Rhino base directory.

Update for other locations

The bundled deployment scripts assume that the package has been extracted into a Rhino base directory. You can extract it elsewhere, but you’ll need to manually update the $\{client.home\} property in to point to the actual Rhino base directory:

# Update to the actual Rhino client directory.

The $\{client.home\} property must be set correctly so that the deployment scripts can communicate with a Rhino instance.

Here’s what’s in the package:

Folder/file What it’s for

deployable unit jar files for the SIP Servlet SLEE components to be deployed.


Library jar files required by administration tools


Introductory documentation and Javadocs for APIs used by Rhino SIP Servlet.

Specifies the $\{client.home\} directory.


Ant build file for deploying the SIP Servlet RA.


Ant build file that defines the Rhino SIP Servlet Ant tasks.


Shell script that invokes Rhino SIP Servlet’s command-line console.


Example SIP Servlet applications and deployment scripts.


Create a SIP Servlet RA entity:

  • First, start the Rhino instance where you’re deploying Rhino SIP Servlet.

  • The bundled deploy.xml file is an Ant script that creates a single SIP Servlet RA entity with a default configuration. Once the RA entity is created, it can be managed using sipservlet-console or the Rhino SIP Servlet Ant tasks. Run:

    $ ant -f deploy.xml

    This will:

    • install the SIP Servlet 1.1 API library

    • install the Rhino SIP Servlet container library

    • create SLEE profile tables for storing SIP Servlet RA configurations

    • install the Rhino SIP Servlet RA

    • create a Rhino SIP Servlet RA entity (instance) named ss

    • configure a default network interface for the RA entity (listen on port 5060)

    • activate the RA entity.

At this point, the SIP Servlet RA entity ss is active and listening on port 5060. No servlet applications have been installed yet, so any SIP requests will be rejected with a 500 Server Error response.

Tip The next sections describe how to configure Rhino SIP Servlet and deploy applications.
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