This page contains links to key API documents

Link to API document …​ useful when …​

developing SLEE components, including but not limited to Sentinel Features and Mappers. It contains necessary annotations

developing Sentinel Features and Mappers. It contains necessary annotations

developing Sentinel Features and Mappers. It contains the key Sentinel APIs regarding how Features interact with Sentinel

writing features that are used with the Sentinel VoLTE product

writing new MMTel features, or "MMTel-like" features that need access to the standard simserves schema via POJOs

making queries to the HSS, or writing adaptors for new custom XML schemas stored in Transparent Data in the HSS.

writing adaptors that convert from the generated classes for the simserves standard schema, to POJOs stored in session state. So that you can have a feature read the session state and not be forced to write XJC generated classes into session state.

writing provisioning clients for the Sentinel VoLTE product

Sentinel VoLTE Version 2.9.0