
Removed API’s, Classes, Feature’s, and Configuration

The following have been removed from Sentinel SIP:

  • B2BUAChargingFeatureUtil.OPENCLOUD_DIAMETER_VENDOR_ID constant. Use OpenCloudDiameter.OPENCLOUD_DIAMETER_VENDOR_ID instead.

  • StoreSubscriberIdentities.isReRegister(String networkOperator, String callId, String defaultPublicId)

  • Leg.refreshSession(long refreshPeriod). Use Leg.refreshSession(long refreshPeriod, boolean useUpdate) instead.

  • SessionDescriptionWrapperImpl constructors and static create methods. Use SessionDescriptionWrapperImpl.getBuilder(String/SessionDescription sdp) instead.

  • SIPUtil.getSDPBody(SipMessage message). Use getSDPMessageBody(SipMessage message, Tracer tracer) instead.

  • LegacyCdr feature and sentinel-sip-legacy-cdr-format.

External Session Tracking

There have been major changes to the way external session tracking is handled. The following features have been removed from Sentinel VoLTE:

  • TrackSessionPreAnswer

  • TrackSessionClearForks

  • TrackSessionRefresh

  • DeleteTrackedSession

Along with their associated modules:

  • track-session-pre-answer-feature

  • track-session-clear-forks-feature

  • track-session-refresh-feature

  • delete-tracked-session-feature

  • external-session-tracking-event-handler

The external-session-tracking-library has been renamed to be the access-leg-tracking-library. All occurrences of external-session and ExternalSession in this library (classes, methods, properties etc.) have also been changed to access-leg and AccessLeg respectively.

The external-session-tracking RA entity has been renamed to cassandra-general, as Session Tracking has been re-worked. Custom features that used this RA entity for Cassandra queries should now use the cassandra-general RA entity instead.

An example of an annotation change is:

        featureName = MMTelECTFeature.NAME,
        componentName = "@component.name@",
        featureVendor = "@component.vendor@",
        featureVersion = "@component.version@",
        featureGroup = SentinelFeature.SIP_FEATURE_GROUP,
        configurationReader = @ConfigurationReader(
                readerInterface = MMTelECTConfigReader.class,
                readerClass = MMTelECTConfigProfileReader.class
        raProviderJndiNames = {
                // old - prior to 2.8.0
                // new - post 2.8.0 below
        // other annotation lines

See the Session Tracking page for details of the new session tracking system.

Inter-node Communication

The VoLTESharedConfigProfileTable has been removed, along with its associated modules: volte-shared-config-profile and volte-shared-config-profile-reader-sbb-part.

The URIs previously held on this table is now automatically derived from SIS SIP network interface responsible for inter-node communication. * If there is only one network interface configured on the SIP SIS RA then it will be automatically used for inter-node communication. * If there are multiple network interfaces configured, one of them will need to be nominated for inter-node communication using the InterNodeInterfaceName RA config property.

Module Naming Consistency

All of the modules and classes that had volte-sentinel or VolteSentinel in their names have been renamed to sentinel-volte and SentinelVolte.

Service Renaming

The VoLTE services have been renamed to align with the module renaming. Previously volte.sentinel.sip and volte.sentinel.ss7 are now sentinel.volte.sip and sentinel.volte.ss7 respectively.

Obsolete Components

The following obsolete components have been removed from Sentinel VoLTE:

  • Use of HssCacheBasedSubscriberIdentitiesSbb.isReRegister()

  • VolteSipLegacyCdr feature and volte-sentinel-legacy-cdr-format.

  • Remove modules living in volte-sentinel-legacy-modules

    • mmtel-tip-profile

    • mmtel-tir-profile

    • scc-determine-session-type-profile

    • volte-common-session-state-library

    • volte-common-util-library

Multiple deployment options

The Sentinel VoLTE SDK now allows deployments for:

  • SCC-AS only,

  • MMTel-AS only,

  • CDMA vs GSM variations of both of the above, and

  • a new "dev deploy" to be used when building a new SIP AS

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