About the IP Short Message Gateway

The IP Short Message Gateway (IPSMGW) implements transport layer interworking for SMS over IP. It is based on 3GPP TS 24.341, and implements suitable SMS interworking as part of GSMA IR.92 version 9.0

Target Audience

This document is primarily for support purposes to assist with low level configuration tasks. Customers should refer to the Rhino VoLTE TAS Configuration and Management Guide to configure the Appliances rather than this documentation.


This document includes the following topics:

Topic Explains…​


the behaviour and configuration of each feature


the behaviour of each mapper

TCAP Application Context Negotiation

how different phases of MAP are supported

Charging Information

the format and content of CDR files, and the information present in Diameter Ro

SIP Transports and Routing

how SIP requests are routed to and from the IP-SM-GW

Resource Adaptors

details of Resource Adaptors used by the IP-SM-GW

Cassandra Storage

how data is stored in the Cassandra Database


details of the IFCs that are used for IP-SM-GW routing

License Requirements

license requirements for running IP-SM-GW

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Sentinel IP-SM-GW Version 4.1