The ExtractPublicAndPrivateIdentities feature analyses the 1st party REGISTER request and response and stores public and private indentities in session state.


This feature is a critical system feature. The Registrar cannot function without this feature executing successfully.

See Sentinel SIP Feature Execution Points for more about running critical features.


Feature script name


Applicable contexts

SIP service

SAS Support


Prerequisite features


Feature execution points



Session state inputs and outputs


Name Format Description

SentinelSelectionKey com.opencloud.sentinel.common.SentinelSelectionKey

selection key
for example, <platform_operator>::::

For selecting a mapper that maps 1st party REGISTER and response to public and private ids in session state fields.

EncapsulatedRegisterRequest javax.sip.message.Request

The 1st party REGISTER request

EncapsulatedRegisterResponse javax.sip.message.Response

The 1st party REGISTER response


Name Format Description

CallId String

The value of the Call-ID header

The call id of the 1st party REGISTER request

PrivateId String

The username parameter of the Authorization header

The private id of the subscriber, taken from the 1st party REGISTER request

PublicIds String[]

The value of a P-Associated-Uri with surrounding < and > removed

Public ids of the subscriber, taken from P-Associated-Uri headers in the 1st party REGISTER response

RegisteredContact String[]

Array of Strings, where each element is value of one Contact header

All the Contact headers, from the 1st party REGISTER response

RegisteredContactUris String[]

Array of Strings, where each element is URI part of the address in one Contact header

The URI`s of the address for each `Contact header in 1st party REGISTER response

PubGruu String

A SIP URI, as a String

The public GRUU (Globally Routable User Agent) from the first Contact header in the 1st party REGISTER response (if present)

TempGruu String

A SIP URI, as a String

The temporary GRUU (Globally Routable User Agent) from the first Contact header in the 1st party REGISTER response (if present)

RejectRegisterRequest boolean

Set to true if the third party REGISTER request should be rejected.

Feature responses

Response Reason


Feature has finished.


Feature encountered a fatal error and was unable to continue.


Statistic When incremented


There was a failure whilst extracting ids from the 1st party register request and response.


The feature fails to start.


The feature encounters a non-fatal error and alerts the core.


The feature encounters any fatal error and alerts the core.


The feature fails to complete execution within the allowable time frame.

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Sentinel Express Version 3.0.0